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WN: 09278537-n Spalt
WN: 04241940-n Spalt
WN: 09443136-n Spalt
WN: 09228801-n Spalt
WN: 09259677-n Spalt
WN: 09241929-n Spalt
WN: 09437369-n Spalt
WN: 05545439-n Spalt
WN: 09258715-n Spalt
WN: 09410026-n Spalt
WN: 09243769-n Spalt
WN: 09379111-n Spalt
WN: 09410928-n Spalt
WN: 09241929-n Spalt a crack in a lip caused usually by cold
WN: 09258715-n Spalt a long narrow opening
WN: 09278537-n Spalt a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
WN: 09379111-n Spalt an open or empty space in or between things
WN: 09437369-n Spalt a narrow fissure
WN: 09443136-n Spalt a lengthwise crack in wood
WN: 09243769-n Spalt a narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall
WN: 09410026-n Spalt a narrow fissure in rock
WN: 04241940-n Spalt a long narrow opening
WN: 09410928-n Spalt an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart
WN: 09259677-n Spalt a deep fissure
WN: 09228801-n Spalt an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)
WN: 05545439-n Spalt a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure
WN: 09278537-n Spalt they built it right over a geological fault
WN: 09278537-n Spalt he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
WN: 09379111-n Spalt there was a small opening between the trees
WN: 09379111-n Spalt the explosion made a gap in the wall
WN: 09443136-n Spalt he inserted the wedge into a split in the log
WN: 09410928-n Spalt there was a rip in his pants
WN: 09410928-n Spalt she had snags in her stockings

like: Spalt
die Spalte hàng
die Kernspaltung sư nhân đôi hạt nhân

Spalte liè
Kernspaltung 核裂变 hé liè biàn

abtrennen, abspalten 分割
sich spalten, sich teilen, Differenzierung 分化
trennen, loslösen, ausscheiden, spalten 分离
1.spalten, zerspalten, zersplittern, zerfallen 2. Spaltung, Teilung 分裂
1.Naht 2.Ritz, Spalt, Riß
spalten, zerfallen, sich spalten,platzen,Ritze, Fissur, Risse bekommen
1. spalten, hauen, hacken 2.direkt gegen (das Gesicht, den Kopf)
1.kaputt, zerrissen. beschädigt, gebrochen 2. scheußlich, miserabel, lausig 3. spalten entzweibrechen 4. zerschlagen 5. besiegen, erstürmen 6. enthüllen, entlarven