Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00611433-n Schulung
WN: 00883297-n Schulung
WN: 00887081-n Schulung
WN: 00888693-n Schulung
WN: 00893955-n Schulung
WN: 00888693-n Schulung the act of teaching at school
WN: 00611433-n Schulung the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
WN: 00887081-n Schulung the profession of a teacher
WN: 00883297-n Schulung the activities of educating or instructing
WN: 00883297-n Schulung activities that impart knowledge or skill
WN: 00893955-n Schulung activity leading to skilled behavior
WN: 00887081-n Schulung he prepared for teaching while still in college
WN: 00887081-n Schulung pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
WN: 00883297-n Schulung he received no formal education
WN: 00883297-n Schulung our instruction was carefully programmed
WN: 00883297-n Schulung good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded

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