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Republik nước cộng hòa Abstrakta

WN: 08168978-n Republik
WN: 08361329-n Republik
WN: 08168978-n Republik a politically organized body of people under a single government
WN: 08361329-n Republik a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
WN: 08168978-n Republik the state has elected a new president
WN: 08168978-n Republik African nations
WN: 08168978-n Republik students who had come to the nation's capitol
WN: 08168978-n Republik the country's largest manufacturer
WN: 08168978-n Republik an industrialized land

like: Republik
die Republik cộng hòa

Republik 共和 gòng hé

Republik 共和国