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Polizist cảnh sát Berufe

WN: 10449412-n Polizist
WN: 09959258-n Polizist
WN: 10448983-n Polizist
WN: 10730542-n Polizist
WN: 09959142-n Polizist
WN: 09879144-n Polizist
WN: 10730728-n Polizist
WN: 09862621-n Polizist
WN: 09959258-n Polizist a police officer of the lowest rank
WN: 10448983-n Polizist a member of a police force
WN: 10730728-n Polizist a state police officer
WN: 10730542-n Polizist a mounted policeman
WN: 09862621-n Polizist an informal term for a British policeman
WN: 10449412-n Polizist a woman policeman
WN: 09879144-n Polizist uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
WN: 09959142-n Polizist a lawman with less authority and jurisdiction than a sheriff
WN: 10448983-n Polizist it was an accident, officer

ENDE: bobby Polizist
ENDE: constable Polizist
ENDE: policeman Polizist

like: Polizist
der Polizist cảnh sát

Polizist 警察 jǐngchá

Polizei, Polizist 警察