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WN: 10130447-n Mädel
WN: 10130686-n Mädel
WN: 10084295-n Mädel
WN: 10129825-n Mädel
WN: 10247358-n Mädel
WN: 09827363-n Mädel
WN: 10117851-n Mädel
WN: 10282482-n Mädel
WN: 09989045-n Mädel
WN: 10130686-n Mädel a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved
WN: 10117851-n Mädel alliterative term for girl (or woman)
WN: 09827363-n Mädel sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
WN: 10282482-n Mädel an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
WN: 10129825-n Mädel a young woman
WN: 10084295-n Mädel a youthful female person
WN: 10247358-n Mädel a girl or young woman who is unmarried
WN: 10130447-n Mädel a friendly informal reference to a grown woman
WN: 09989045-n Mädel informal terms for a (young) woman
WN: 10130686-n Mädel his girlfriend kicked him out
WN: 10129825-n Mädel a young lady of 18
WN: 10084295-n Mädel the baby was a girl
WN: 10084295-n Mädel the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle
WN: 10130447-n Mädel Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls

like: Mädel

Mädchen, Mädel 闺女