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WN: 04990220-n Lautstärke
WN: 05100866-n Lautstärke
WN: 05099796-n Lautstärke
WN: 05100866-n Lautstärke the physical intensity of sound
WN: 05099796-n Lautstärke the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)
WN: 04990220-n Lautstärke the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction)
WN: 05099796-n Lautstärke he adjusted the intensity of the sound
WN: 05099796-n Lautstärke they measured the station's signal strength
WN: 04990220-n Lautstärke the kids played their music at full volume

ENDE: loudness Lautstärke

like: Lautstärke