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WN: 07223170-n Klatsch
WN: 07223985-n Klatsch
WN: 07223635-n Klatsch
WN: 07135450-n Klatsch
WN: 07135080-n Klatsch
WN: 07223450-n Klatsch
WN: 07223811-n Klatsch
WN: 07135450-n Klatsch a conversation that spreads personal information about other people
WN: 07223450-n Klatsch gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
WN: 07223635-n Klatsch gossip spread by spoken communication
WN: 07223985-n Klatsch idle gossip or rumor
WN: 07223811-n Klatsch disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people
WN: 07135080-n Klatsch light informal conversation for social occasions
WN: 07223170-n Klatsch a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people
WN: 07223635-n Klatsch the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth
WN: 07223985-n Klatsch there has been talk about you lately
WN: 07223170-n Klatsch the divorce caused much gossip

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