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WN: 07934152-n Kamille
WN: 11995092-n Kamille
WN: 11949402-n Kamille
WN: 07934152-n Kamille tea-like drink made from camomile leaves and flowers
WN: 11995092-n Kamille annual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior
WN: 11949402-n Kamille Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally
WN: 11949402-n Kamille in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis

ENDE: camomile Kamille

like: Kamille
die Kamille hoa cúc la mã

Kamille 洋甘菊 yánggānjú