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OXF3000D: kiểm tra check Hindernis
WN: 01074498-n Hindernis
WN: 03549589-n Hindernis
WN: 04345915-n Hindernis
WN: 00067990-n Hindernis
WN: 05687338-n Hindernis
WN: 05690269-n Hindernis
WN: 05691144-n Hindernis
WN: 02789271-n Hindernis
WN: 02853218-n Hindernis
WN: 05690916-n Hindernis
WN: 02853449-n Hindernis
WN: 03839795-n Hindernis
WN: 05688990-n Hindernis
WN: 05691241-n Hindernis
WN: 02796623-n Hindernis
WN: 03520811-n Hindernis
WN: 03839993-n Hindernis
WN: 05689249-n Hindernis
WN: 05686955-n Hindernis
WN: 03839795-n Hindernis an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented)
WN: 02789271-n Hindernis an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal
WN: 04345915-n Hindernis any obstacle or impediment
WN: 03520811-n Hindernis any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
WN: 05690916-n Hindernis any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective
WN: 03839993-n Hindernis any structure that makes progress difficult
WN: 05687338-n Hindernis a source of difficulty
WN: 03549589-n Hindernis a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races
WN: 00067990-n Hindernis an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts
WN: 05688990-n Hindernis an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty
WN: 05689249-n Hindernis something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
WN: 05691144-n Hindernis an unforeseen obstacle
WN: 01074498-n Hindernis the act of obstructing
WN: 05690269-n Hindernis something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted
WN: 02853449-n Hindernis an obstruction in a pipe or tube
WN: 02796623-n Hindernis a structure or object that impedes free movement
WN: 05686955-n Hindernis a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
WN: 02853218-n Hindernis prevents access or progress
WN: 05691241-n Hindernis an obstacle that you are expected to overcome
WN: 02789271-n Hindernis it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar
WN: 05690916-n Hindernis intolerance is a barrier to understanding
WN: 05687338-n Hindernis one trouble after another delayed the job
WN: 05687338-n Hindernis what's the problem?
WN: 01074498-n Hindernis obstruction of justice
WN: 05690269-n Hindernis lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement
WN: 05690269-n Hindernis the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education
WN: 05690269-n Hindernis the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan
WN: 02853449-n Hindernis we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
WN: 05686955-n Hindernis serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent
WN: 05691241-n Hindernis the last hurdle before graduation

ENDE: check Hindernis
ENDE: fence Hindernis
ENDE: hindrance Hindernis
ENDE: hump Hindernis
ENDE: impediment Hindernis
ENDE: obstacle Hindernis

like: Hindernis

ein langer Reiseweg mit vielen Hindernissen, tausend Berge und zehntausend Flüsse 万水千山
versperren, Hindernis 障碍
Widerstand,Hindernis 阻力