Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 07434942-n Explosion
WN: 00377907-n Explosion
WN: 07435273-n Explosion
WN: 07308563-n Explosion
WN: 00377364-n Explosion
WN: 07434942-n Explosion a sudden intense happening
WN: 00377364-n Explosion the act of exploding or bursting
WN: 00377907-n Explosion the act of exploding with noise and violence
WN: 07435273-n Explosion a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
WN: 07308563-n Explosion a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction
WN: 07434942-n Explosion an outburst of heavy rain
WN: 07434942-n Explosion a burst of lightning
WN: 00377364-n Explosion the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children
WN: 00377364-n Explosion the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft
WN: 00377907-n Explosion his fulminations frightened the horses
WN: 07435273-n Explosion the outbreak of hostilities

ENDE: blast Explosion

like: Explosion

Eruption, Ausbruch, Explosion 爆发