Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 13454479-n Eindicken
WN: 00431117-v eindicken
WN: 00431327-v eindicken
WN: 00431610-v eindicken
WN: 00431117-v eindicken become thick or thicker
WN: 00431327-v eindicken make thick or thicker
WN: 13454479-n Eindicken the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid
WN: 00431610-v eindicken make viscous or dense
WN: 00431117-v eindicken The sauce thickened
WN: 00431117-v eindicken The egg yolk will inspissate
WN: 00431327-v eindicken Thicken the sauce
WN: 00431327-v eindicken inspissate the tar so that it becomes pitch
WN: 00431610-v eindicken thicken the sauce by adding flour

like: Eindicken