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WN: 07724943-n Bohne
WN: 07727048-n Bohne
WN: 07726796-n Bohne
WN: 12556793-n Bohne
WN: 12557280-n Bohne
WN: 07727252-n Bohne
WN: 12557064-n Bohne
WN: 07727140-n Bohne
WN: 07727377-n Bohne
WN: 07727741-n Bohne
WN: 12557064-n Bohne the common bean plant grown for the beans rather than the pods (especially a variety with large red kidney-shaped beans)
WN: 07727048-n Bohne large dark red bean
WN: 07727048-n Bohne usually dried
WN: 07727741-n Bohne a French bean variety with light-colored seeds
WN: 07727741-n Bohne usually dried
WN: 07727252-n Bohne mottled or spotted bean of southwestern United States
WN: 07727252-n Bohne usually dried
WN: 12557280-n Bohne a common bean plant cultivated for its slender green edible pods
WN: 07724943-n Bohne any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food
WN: 07727377-n Bohne Mexican bean
WN: 07727377-n Bohne usually dried
WN: 07727140-n Bohne white-seeded bean
WN: 07727140-n Bohne usually dried
WN: 12556793-n Bohne the common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods
WN: 07726796-n Bohne any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried

ENDE: bean Bohne

like: Bohne
die Bohne đậu nành
die Sojabohne hạt đậu nành, đậu tương

Bohne 菜豆 càidòu
Sojabohne 黄豆, 大豆 huángdòu, dàdòu

Für das Hauptgericht: Kräuter, Lamm, Geflügel, Huhn, Rindfleisch, Steak, Gemüse, gebackene Bohnen. Cho món chính: rau thơm, thịt cừu, thịt gia cầm, thịt gà, thịt bò,beaf steak, rau xanh, đậu phộng rang. (Lektion 14, Nr. 145)

Bohnengallerte 豆腐
Soyabohnenmilch 豆浆
Bohne 豆子
1. gesalzene Sojabohnen- und Weizenmehltunke 2. etw in Sojasoße einkochen, etw in Sojasoße einlegen, 3. Soße, Mus, Paste, Mark