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WN: 00874977-n Bewertung
WN: 05747582-n Bewertung
WN: 00996969-n Bewertung
WN: 05737153-n Bewertung
WN: 05736149-n Bewertung
WN: 00874806-n Bewertung
WN: 00875246-n Bewertung
WN: 00874067-n Bewertung
WN: 05733583-n Bewertung
WN: 05747582-n Bewertung a new appraisal or evaluation
WN: 05736149-n Bewertung an appraisal of the value of something
WN: 00996969-n Bewertung the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule
WN: 05737153-n Bewertung a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
WN: 00874806-n Bewertung act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
WN: 00875246-n Bewertung a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody
WN: 00874977-n Bewertung evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score
WN: 00874067-n Bewertung the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event
WN: 05733583-n Bewertung the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
WN: 05736149-n Bewertung he set a high valuation on friendship
WN: 00996969-n Bewertung the measurements were carefully done
WN: 00996969-n Bewertung his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate
WN: 05737153-n Bewertung she made good marks in algebra
WN: 05737153-n Bewertung grade A milk
WN: 05737153-n Bewertung what was your score on your homework?
WN: 00875246-n Bewertung many factors are involved in any estimate of human life
WN: 00875246-n Bewertung in my estimation the boy is innocent
WN: 00874977-n Bewertung what he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do
WN: 00874067-n Bewertung they criticized my judgment of the contestants

ENDE: assessment Bewertung
ENDE: valuation Bewertung
ENDE: weighing Bewertung
ENDE: weighting Bewertung

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