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WN: 01215902-n Beihilfe
WN: 01212519-n Beihilfe
WN: 05154908-n Beihilfe
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe
WN: 13265904-n Beihilfe
WN: 01215902-n Beihilfe the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
WN: 01212519-n Beihilfe aiding the cause or policy or interests of
WN: 05154908-n Beihilfe a resource
WN: 13265904-n Beihilfe money to support a worthy person or cause
WN: 01215902-n Beihilfe his support kept the family together
WN: 01215902-n Beihilfe they gave him emotional support during difficult times
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe he gave me an assist with the housework
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe could not walk without assistance
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe rescue party went to their aid
WN: 01207609-n Beihilfe offered his help in unloading
WN: 01212519-n Beihilfe the president no longer has the support of his own party
WN: 01212519-n Beihilfe they developed a scheme of mutual support
WN: 05154908-n Beihilfe visual aids in teaching

like: Beihilfe