Beginner Level Advanced Level



menu thực đơn Basics 2
cake bánh Basics 2
newspaper báo Basics 2
We go. Chúng tôi đi. Basics 2
You read the newspaper / newspaper Các bạn đọc báo. Basics 2
We practice reading. Chúng tôi tập đọc. Basics 2
magazine tạp chí Basics 2
plate đĩa Basics 2
rice cơm Basics 2
book sách Basics 2
They are the men / men. Họ là những người đàn ông. Basics 2
We read magazines. Chúng tôi đọc tạp chí. Basics 2
The woman eats rice. Người phụ nữ ăn cơm. Basics 2
The menu and the book. Thực đơn và sách Basics 2
The woman eats her plate of rice. Cô ấy ăn đĩa cơm của mình. Basics 2
They are at the train station. Basics 2
I read my book. Basics 2
I want to eat rice. Basics 2
The plate of rice Basics 2
milk sữa Basics 2
glass ly Basics 2
orange cam Basics 2
Do you eat fish or chicken? Bạn ăn cá hay gà? Basics 2
We order a plate of rice. Chúng tôi gọi một đĩa cơm. Basics 2
She drinks milk. Cô ấy uống sữa. Basics 2
tea trà Basics 2
Vietnam Việt Nam Basics 2
It is a bee. Nó là một con ong. Basics 2
She is American / an American. Cô ấy là người Mỹ. Basics 2
She likes me. Cô ấy thích tôi. Basics 2
It is a sheet of paper. Nó là một tờ giấy. Basics 2

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