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WN: 01239064-n Anstellung
WN: 00606370-n Anstellung
WN: 00582868-n Anstellung
WN: 00575741-n Anstellung
WN: 00947128-n Anstellung
WN: 00583246-n Anstellung
WN: 00584367-n Anstellung
WN: 00586105-n Anstellung
WN: 00609953-n Anstellung
WN: 00606370-n Anstellung the skilled practice of a practical occupation
WN: 00584367-n Anstellung the occupation for which you are paid
WN: 00947128-n Anstellung the act of using
WN: 00586105-n Anstellung the job to which you are (or hope to be) appointed
WN: 00609953-n Anstellung an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)
WN: 00575741-n Anstellung activity directed toward making or doing something
WN: 00582868-n Anstellung any activity that occupies a person's attention
WN: 01239064-n Anstellung the act of sharing in the activities of a group
WN: 00583246-n Anstellung the particular occupation for which you are trained
WN: 00606370-n Anstellung he learned his trade as an apprentice
WN: 00584367-n Anstellung he is looking for employment
WN: 00584367-n Anstellung a lot of people are out of work
WN: 00947128-n Anstellung he warned against the use of narcotic drugs
WN: 00947128-n Anstellung skilled in the utilization of computers
WN: 00586105-n Anstellung he applied for an appointment in the treasury
WN: 00575741-n Anstellung she checked several points needing further work
WN: 00582868-n Anstellung he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game
WN: 01239064-n Anstellung the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities

like: Anstellung

jm eine Anstellung geben, Personal einsetzen, Arbeitskräfte brauchen 用人