Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 06822576-n Akut
WN: 00503102-r akut
WN: 00140759-r akut
WN: 00503102-r akut changing suddenly in direction and degree
WN: 00140759-r akut having a rapid onset
WN: 06822576-n Akut a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
WN: 00503102-r akut the road twists sharply after the light
WN: 00503102-r akut turn sharp left here
WN: 00503102-r akut the visor was acutely peaked
WN: 00503102-r akut her shoes had acutely pointed toes
WN: 00140759-r akut an acutely debilitating virus

like: Akut

dringend, kritisch,eilig, akut 紧急
1. Schauspiel,Theater 2. heftig, stark, drastisch, akut, stürmisch
