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WN: 00176880-r öfters
WN: 00035058-r öfters
WN: 00021212-r öfters
WN: 00021212-r öfters now and then or here and there
WN: 00035058-r öfters many times at short intervals
WN: 00176880-r öfters several time
WN: 00021212-r öfters he was arrogant and occasionally callous
WN: 00021212-r öfters open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees
WN: 00021212-r öfters they visit New York on occasion
WN: 00021212-r öfters now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us
WN: 00021212-r öfters as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention
WN: 00035058-r öfters we often met over a cup of coffee
WN: 00176880-r öfters it must be washed repeatedly

like: öfters

1.fleißig, arbeitsam, emsig, unermüdlich 2. oft, öfters häufig 3. Dienst