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315 Activities V

exact: like: can

VNEN can * (1) to stop, dissuade; (2) to concern, involve; (3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up; (4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac; (5) shield; (6) liver; (7) to accuse *

[ can ] : (1) to stop, dissuade; (2) to concern, involve; (3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up; (4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac; (5) shield; (6) liver; (7) to accuse

315A Tôi bước lên cái cân. I step on a scale. 6. Health and Diet
315A Tôi cố gắng ăn một chế độ ăn uống cân bằng. I try to eat a balanced diet. 6. Health and Diet
315A Tôi vào căn hộ. I enter the apartment 10. At Night
315A Con rô-bốt đang cử động hai cánh tay. The robot is moving its arms. Staying Fit

non-intervention, non-interference bất can thiệp
to be accused of a crime bị can tội
to be falsely accused of a crime bị cáo can tội
to be implicated, involved in bị liên can trong
brave, courageous fighter chiến sĩ can trường
to be very brave có rất nhiều can đảm
to not mean anything không can gì
(feeling of) courage lòng can đảm
to gather all of one’s courage lấy hết can đảm
to see through somebody nhìn thấu tâm can ai
American involvement sự can dự của Hoa Kỳ
interference sự can thiệp
bravery sự can đảm
direct intervention, interference trực tiếp can thiệp