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315 Activities E

exact: like: white

VNEN lòng trắng * white *
VNEN màu trắng * white *
VNEN mầu trắng * white *
VNEN trắng ngần * white *

2000VIET trắng white

the White House Bạch Cung
the White House Bạch Ốc
The White House Tòa Bạch Ốc
shadow of a white horse - time flies bóng câu
completely gray, white (hair) bạc phơ
gray haired, white haired bạc đầu
(1) white
(2) clear, bright, simple
(1) white poplar, birch
(2) Taurus
bạch dương
platinum, white gold bạch kim
diamond-spar, white jade bạch ngọc
canary, white swallow bạch yến
(1) sound of a slap
(2) very white (of linen)
coffee with milk, white coffee, café au lait cà phê sữa
little egret, egretta garzetta, white egret cò trắng
turnip, white radish cải củ
Caucasian, white (skinned) da trắng
to raise the white flag, surrender giơ cờ trắng
a sickly white face mặt trắng bệch ra
(1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
partial rainbow, primary rainbow; it will shine, white rainbow, it will mống
a little white later một chặp sau
to be white as snow mởn
very white teeth răng trắng bóc
white paper, white book sách trắng
waves white with foam, whitecaps, white horses sóng bạc đầu
black and white television ti vi đen trắng
variety of white canarium trám trắng
(of complexion esp. of a woman) white and trắng ngồn ngộn
gray, silver, white hair tóc bạc
having white hair and wrinkled skin tóc bạc da mồi
black and white photograph tấm hình trắng đen
(of dog) white spots on the four paws tứ túc mai hoa
bush-bean, white cowpea đậu trắng