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315 Activities E

exact: like: take off

2000VIET cởi take off
2000VIET cất cánh take off

to take off (plane) cất cánh
to take off one's shoes cởi giày ra
to take off one’s shoes cởi giầy
to take off all of one’s clothes cởi hết quần áo
to take off one’s pants, get undressed cởi quần
to take off one’s clothes cởi quần áo
to take off clothes cởi ra áo
to take off the lid giở nắp ra
to open a lid, take off a lid mở nắp ra
to take off work nghỉ sở
to take off one’s hat ngả mũ
to take off or removal of mourning-clothes ceremony trừ phục