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315 Activities E

exact: like: rice

VNEN lúa gạo * rice *
VNEN ngọc thực * rice *

2000VIET giá price
2000VIET cơm rice
2000VIET cơm cooked rice

315A Tôi kiểm tra mác giá. I check the price tag. 7. Hanging Out
315A Tôi hỏi các nhân viên bán hàng về giá cả. I ask the sales clerk about the price. 7. Hanging Out
315A Tôi gọi thêm cơm. I ask for more rice. 8. Dining Out

glutinous rice dumpling bánh chay
New Year’s rice cake bánh chưng
(food) steamed rolled rice pancake bánh cuốn
green rice cake bánh cốm
sticky rice cake bánh dẻo
black glutinous rice cake bánh gai
pyramidal rice dumpling bánh giò
glutinous rice dumpling, rice pie bánh giầy
fine rice vermicelli bánh hỏi
cake made of sweet potato meal (mixed with rice flour) bánh khoai
plain rice flan bánh khoái
sweet short cake (made of roast glutinous rice flour) bánh khảo
molasses-sweetened glutinous rice cake bánh mật
glutinous rice cake bánh nếp
glutinous rice chupatty bánh phồng
glutinous rice chupatty mixed with powdered shrimp bánh phồng tôm
glutinous rice doughnut bánh rán
cake made of glutinous rice flour dipped in lye bánh tro
small cylindrical glutinous rice cake bánh tày
cylindrical glutinous rice cake bánh tét
glutinous rice cake bánh ít
small pyramidal glutinous rice cake bánh ú
plain rice flan bánh đúc
steamed thin rice pancake bánh ướt
path at the edge of a rice field bờ ruộng
(1) (of a rice harvest) fifth lunar month
(2) to look up to, admire, observe
(3) to divine
(4) Cham
plain rice gruel, plain rice soup cháo hoa
salad of pig’s underdone sliced skin and grilled rice flour and chạo
village owned rice field công điền
burnt at the bottom of the pot, rice crust at the bottom cơm cháy
left-over rice that has been warmed up cơm ghế
plain cooked rice, rice with nothing to go with it cơm không
broken rice (grains) cơm tấm
unit of rice seedling (about to be transplanted) dảnh
vinegar of rice alcohol giấm thanh
fragrant rice (small-grained and fragrant) gạo tám thơm
kind of rice (small-grained and white) gạo tám xoan
ordinary rice (as opposite to sticky rice) gạo tẻ
a variety of rice noodle soup hủ tiếu
make preparations for the fifth-month rice crop làm chiêm
make preparations for the tenth-month rice crop làm mùa
rice (as a cereal); rice paddy lúa
young rice plant lúa con gái
limitless expanses of fat rice crops lúa tốt bạt ngàn
(1) glass noodles, long rice
(2) wheat noodles
(1) haul, catch (of fish); batch; beating, thrashing
(2) fermented rice
(3) chipped, nicked
to cook rice twice a day ngày nấu cơm hai bữa
to chew rice carefully nhá cơm
first-class rice fields nhất đẳng điền
multi rice cooker nồi cơm điện
greens and rice soup, poor food rau cháo
violet rice wine rượu cẩm
high quality rice spirits, strong drinks rượu tăm
yellow-colored rice cake su sẽ
cereals; rice paddy thóc lúa
old rice (used in medicine) trần mễ
privately owned land or field or rice fields tư điền
a kind of rice cake xu xê
steamed glutinous rice mixed with French beans xôi hoa cau
glutinous rice cooked with split peas xôi vò
(1) to bother, annoy, pester, worry
(2) to blacken, darken, stain; dark, obscure
(3) rice and boiled fish, thick fish soup
(4) to possess, obsess
to eat rice mixed with other cereals ăn độn
to thresh rice by foot đạp lúa
one harvest rice field đồng chiêm