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315 Activities E

exact: like: put

2000VIET sản lượng output
2000VIET đầu vào input
2000VIET đặt put

315A Tôi cho kem đánh răng lên bàn chải đánh răng của tôi. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush. 1. In the Morning
315A Tôi mặc quần áo của tôi. I put on my clothes. 1. In the Morning
315A Tôi bật máy tính của tôi. I turn on my computer. 3. Computers and Computing
315A Tôi khởi động lại máy tính. I restart the computer. 3. Computers and Computing
315A Tôi tắt máy tính. I shut down the computer. 3. Computers and Computing
315A Tôi cho một cây bút vào ngăn kéo. I put a pen in a drawer. 5. At the Office
315A Tôi cho nước xốt vào sa-lát I put salad dressing on the salad. 8. Dining Out
315A Tôi cho bọn trẻ ngủ. I put the children to bed. 10. At Night
315A Người lập trình viên đang sử dụng máy vi tính. The programmer is using the computer. Verbs I
315A Người đàn ông đang lướt in-tơ-net bằng máy vi tính The man is surfing the Internet on the computer. Technology
315A Người phụ nữ đang xếp dọn quần áo. The woman is putting away the clothes. Housework II
315A Bé gái đang mặc áo khoác ngoài. The girl is putting on the coat. Get Dressed
315A Bé gái đang xỏ giầy. The girl is putting on her shoe. Get Dressed
315A Cô người mẫu đang trang điểm. The model is putting on makeup. Get Dressed

to detain separately, put in solitary confinement biệt giam
to put down, quell, repress bát tiễu
(1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
to impose one’s terms, put pressure on bắt bí
to impose one’s strict terms, put pressure on bắt chẹt
to put effort into bỏ công
to put effort into this struggle bỏ công sức trong nỗ lực này
to invest, put up money bỏ ra
to put in one’s pocket bỏ túi
to put behind someone bỏ về phía sau
to drop down, put down bỏ xuống
to bring bad luck on, put a jinx on chạm vía
to put a final stop to (a writing) chấm hết
to put down in writing (the ideas of a community) chấp bút
to clasp one’s hands, put one’s hands together chắp tay
to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit chịu
to be able to stand, able to tolerate, able to put up with chịu được
to put on flesh có da có thịt
(1) to hide, store, put away
(2) to lift, elevate, pick up, erect, build, construct
(3) to distill
arrange, put in order cất dọn
to save something (for later), put something away (for later) cất lấy
to put in one’s pocket cất vào túi
to put away, take away cất đi
accumulate, lay up, store up, put up, save up cắp nắp
to put out a fire cứu hỏa
to put in an order, deploy, display, arrange dàn
to set aside, put aside, reserve; to save, rescue dành
to put up a poster dán áp phích
to extinguish, put out, stamp out (fire, protests) dập tắt
to put down, beat down, press, emphasize dằn
to put down, repress, quell dẹp
to put aside, place to one side dẹp qua một bên
to arrange, put in order, move (change residences), clear, prepare dọn
to arrange, put in order dọn dẹp
to arrange, put a household into order, clean one’s house dọn dẹp nhà cửa
to put in a bid or tender, make a bid, submit a tender dự thầu
to put by, lay aside, reserve, have a reserve of dự trữ
to put one’s name down, sign up, write one’s name on a list ghi tên
discontinuity; to break off, interrupt, delay, put off; interrupted, discontinued gián đoạn
raise a siege, raise the encirclement-help out of danger, put out of giải vây
to put down heavily giằn
dissuade (from), put somebody off, talk somebody out of gàn quải
to put away, give up gác bỏ
to defer, postpone, delay, put off hoãn
to execute, put (a prisoner) to death hành hình
to put on airs; snobbish, stuck-up, self-important hợm mình
arrogant, put on airs khoảnh khoái
to put off, delay khất lần khất lựa
to coerce, put under restraint, place under duress kiềm hỏa
to enumerate, put in a category liệt
to put someone at ease làm người nào an lòng
to give oneself superior airs, put on superior airs làm oai
to create, produce, make, put out làm ra
to put on an appearance, give an appearance of làm ra vẻ
to gain weight, put on weight, get fatter lên cân
haughty; to put on airs lên mặt
to postpone, delay, put off; to step back lùi lại
to put a quart into a pint pot, to lấy thúng úp voi
to put together, join, assemble, load lắp
to put in, install lắp vào
to leave alone, not care for, ignore; to wear, put on mặc
to put on, wear long pants mặc quần dài
to get dressed, put on clothes mặc quần áo
to put on clothing mặc áo
to put on clothes mặc đồ
to put on a (military) uniform mặc đồ lính
to put words into somebody’s mouth, prime somebody about what to say mớm lời
to check and take over, put into operation; operational startup nghiệm thu
to put up at an inn or at a hotel ngủ trọ
show modesty, put on a modest air, belittle oneselt nhún mình
to bring in, put in, import; to join, enter, add; to receive nhập
to put goods in a warehouse nhập hàng vào kho
(1) blue-bottle fly, Calliphoridae
(2) to put on airs, be fussy
to post, put up niêm yết
to present, propose, put forward a theory nêu giả thuyết
to put obstacles in somebody’s way, obstruct, impede somebody’s progress níu áo
to put in a good word (with influential people, for someone) nói lót
to put it that way, say it like that nói như vậy thì
linger (on, over), stay too long, procrastinate, put off (departure) nấn ná
to grow, develop, put forth nẩy nở
to put a bone back in place, reduce a bone nắn xương
make (pull, put on, wear) a long face nặng mặt
put up to (for) auction, auction, put on sale (things confiscated phát mại
to put (a play) on the air, broadcast, telecast phát sóng
to put out in the sun, expose to the sun phơi nắng
to offer or put up resistance, protest phản kháng
cosmetics, makeup; to make oneself up, put on make up phấn sáp
correspond (to with), conform (to), put together; to distribute; to mate, marry phối
to watch, put under surveillance quản thúc
to put under house arrest quản thúc tại gia
to head for the open sea, get to the open sea, put or go ra khơi
to put on airs ra oai
to appear, take on the appearance of, put on ra vẻ
(1) to be about to, going to
(2) to arrange, put in order, set
(3) group, band
to arrange, put in order, organize sắp đặt
to put down a riot, uprising sụ dẹp bạo loạn
to abridge, digest, compress, put in order thu gọn
to arrange, put in order, resolve, settle thu xếp
to put out, stick out (one’s tongue) thè
to put one’s hand inside thò tay vào trong
to stop a car, put on the brakes thắng xe
to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel thọc gậy bánh xe
try and find out what the feeling is, feel, put out feelers thử lòng
to put a program into practice thực hành một chương trình
to hang a sign, put up a sign treo bảng
to quell, put down, eradicate triệt hạ
to question, put a question to trách vấn
repress, restrain, curb, quell, put down trấn phục
to repress, put down, quell, suppress trấn áp
to put into operation, act on, influence, (have an) effect; activity, action, effect, impact tác động
to gather, assemble, meet, collect, put together; gathering, collection, assembly, group tập họp
to detain, imprison, put into prison or jail tống giam
never put off until tomorrow what you can do today việc có thể làm hôm nay không nên hoãn lại ngày mai
to put in order vun vén
to show off, play the fool, put on airs, ostentatious vây vo
to roll up, put up, tuck up vén
to put down, subdue vụ dẹp
to put out, forth xuốt ra
to build and put together xây lắp
(1) to order, arrange, put in order, pile, fold
(2) master, boss
to arrange, put in order xếp dọn
to put in order xếp thứ tự
to put into a category, categorize xếp vào loại
to sentence to death, execute, put to death xử tử
to use, employ, apply, put in practice áp dụng
to put one’s ear to the wall áp tai vào tường
to be put on trial đem ra xử
to wear, put on (jewelry, glasses, weapon) đeo
to put in earplugs đeo ống chống âm thanh vào
to defeat, put (an army) to rout đánh tan
postpone, put off, adjourn, cancel đình hoãn
to put off, slow down, stagnate, reach a deadlock đình trệ
to can, put in cans đóng hộp
act a part (in a play), put on an act đóng kịch
to put a landmark đóng mốc
to insert, put in đăng
to put in a (news)paper đăng báo
to put forward, issue, release, propose, set forth đưa ra
to put forth, release results đưa ra kết quả
to issue, put out official number đưa ra những con số chính thức
to put forward an opinion đưa ra ý kiến
(1) to insert, introduce, enter
(2) to release, put out
đưa vào
to put on (or introduce to) the market đưa vào thương mại
rout, put to rout đại phá
to hit the brakes, step on the brakes, put on the brakes đạp thắng
to bid for, contract, put in (make) a tender đấu thầu
to place, put a bomb đặt bom
to put pen to paper đặt bút
to put all of one’s trust in đặt hết tin tưởng vào
to raise, put on đặt lên
to place, put in someone’s hands đặt trong tay người nào
to put on alert đặt trong tình trạng báo động
to put a yoke on a buffalo đặt ách lên con trâu
be first to propose, be first to suggest, be first to put forward đề khởi
to propose, put forward, set forth đề ra
to propose, put forward (for discussion) đề xuất
propose to higher levels, put forward for consideration to higher đề đạt
to put by someone’s share, save a portion (of something) để phần
to save money, put away money để sành tiền
to put in the same category, make no distinction between đồng hóa
put the blame on (only one person) put the sole blame on đổ riệt
(1) sudden, abrupt, unexpected
(2) to sew, stitch up, mend
(3) to pierce, put a hole in (metal)
to put forward a guarantee, vouch for đứng ra bảo đảm
sound out intentions, put out feelers ướm lòng