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315 Activities E

exact: like: meet

2000VIET gặp meet

315A Tôi tham dự một cuộc họp. I attend a meeting. 5. At the Office
315A Tôi chọn một nơi để gặp gỡ với người bạn của tôi. I choose a place to meet with my friend. 7. Hanging Out
315A Tôi gặp gỡ bạn bè của tôi tại trung tâm mua sắm. I meet my friends at the mall. 7. Hanging Out
315A Người đại lý bất động sản đang gặp khách hàng. The real estate agent is meeting a client. Verbs II
315A Mọi người đang tham dự cuộc họp. The people are attending the meeting. Workplace

to run across, meet by surprise bắt gặp
to meet one's financial obligations chu toàn các nghĩa vụ tài chánh
to meet face to face, face chạm mặt
to meet face to face, face, skirmish chạm trán
to die early, die soon, die prematurely, meet an early death chết sớm
rendez-vous, blue bridge (the bridge to meet gods) cầu lam
to meet unexpectedly giải cấu tương phùng
to meet a need, fulfill a requirement giải quyết nhu cầu
to meet with the Pope himself gặp chính Đức Giáo Hoàng
to meet with opposition gặp các chống đối
to meet (with), encounter gặp gỡ
to meet with difficulties, have problems gặp khó khăn
to be in danger, meet with danger, harm gặp nguy hại
to meet (each other), see each other gặp nhau
to meet with, encounter many difficulties gặp nhiều khó khăn
to meet with disaster, have an accident gặp nạn
to meet separately gặp riêng
to meet with complications gặp rắc rối
to meet with resistance gặp sự chống cự
to meet with opposition gặp sự chống đối
to meet with failure gặp thất bại
to meet with good fortune gặp thời
to meet (with) obstacles gặp trở ngại
to meet obstacles in Congress gặp trở ngại tại quốc hội
to meet with difficulties gặp trục trặc
agreement; to meet and discuss, hold discussions, have talks hiệp nghị
to meet with each other họp với nhau
to interview, meet with hội kiến
to meet with someone hội kiến với ai
chance meeting; to meet in an unusual way kỳ ngộ
not to be bound to meet as husband and wife lỡ duyên
welcome and see off, meet and see off nghênh tống
(1) magpie
(2) bamboo blinds
(3) stock phrase, cliché
(4) flute
(5) cook meet with bamboo shoots and spices
(1) I (arrogant or familiar)
(2) trouble, disorder, (3) elegant
(4) time, round
(5) to chance to meet
(6) dregs in wine vat
to meet with misfortune thất cơ lỡ vận
to receive, meet a delegation tiếp một phái đoàn
to meet with difficulties, have great difficulty trầy trật
to meet again, see again tái kiến
to meet again, see again tái ngộ
to meet again, reconvene tái nhóm
to lose one’s life in an accident, meet one’s death in an tử nạn
to meet with difficulty va vấp
to be caught or entangled, meet with difficulties vướng mắc
to meet the bride and bring her home đón dâu
to meet and see off đưa đón