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Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics

315 Activities E

exact: like: just

a (little) while ago, just now ban nãy
just now, a short time ago, just a little while ago ban nẫy
you are just guessing! bạn chỉ nói mò thôi!
handful, just big enough to lie in one’s hand chét tay
a little bit more, just a little more chút xíu nữa
to be just asking chỉ hỏi vậy thôi
a little less than 2 meters, just shy of 2 meters chừng non hai thước
(1) labor, effort, work
(2) (bank) account
(3) peacock
(4) duke
(5) wages, salary, pay
(6) fair, equal, just
(7) public, common
(8) to attack
to happen just like before diễn ra như cũ
degree, extent; to seem, be just like dường
that family has just became better off gia đình ấy cũng mới nỏi thôi
to convulse just before death giãy chết
to look just like giống y như
(flower) to have just opened, bloomed hé nở
a while ago, just now hồi nãy
to have just begun to learn to read and write i tờ
only for, just for không ngoài
not just in the U.S. không riêng ở Mỹ
order just a bottle of beer kêu một chai la ve thôi
a moment ago, a little or short while ago, just now lúc nãy
the fire has just been kindled lửa mới nhem
to have just a smattering of Russian mới nhom nhem vài câu tiếng nga
to just arrive, just get here mới sang đây
to just arrive mới tới
to just return, just get back mới về
to just arrive, have just arrived mới đến
to fit, be just right ngám
new acquaintance, sb whom one has just met người mới quen
be just off to a good start, be just starting, arise, be born, spring up, crop up, appear nhen nhúm
(1) slightly less than, just under
(2) young, inexperienced, tender, premature
(3) mountain
(of moment) just past, just a short time ago nãy
to have just finished speaking rời miệng
have just learned how to play chess sạch nước
actually, it just happens that thì ra
in case, just in case, if ever, if bay any chance vạn nhất
only, just (a certain number) vẻn vẹn
(1) to have just done something
(3) reasonable, right, suitable, fitting; to fit (clothes)
recently, just (happened) vừa mới
aforementioned; just said vừa nói
recent, just happened vừa quá
to have just occurred, just happened vừa xảy ra
a just society xã hội công bình
identical, the same as, just like y hệt
just like that, just the same way y như vậy
stone just quarried đa hộc
just as I had expected, just as I had guessed đúng như tôi đoán