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315 Activities E

exact: like: grow

to get used to, grow accustomed to, take a liking to, become attached to bén mùi
to grow up bậm
to grow at a rate of, speed of gia tăng với tốc dộ
weaken, grow weak(er) or feeble, weakened, enfeebled hư nhược
to find, make, grow food kiếm thức ăn
to grow rice, be a rice-grower làm ruộng
begin to grow or sprout lú nhú
to grow cold, shiver, feel a chill lạnh mình
to get the chills, grow cold, feel one’s blood freeze lạnh người
to grow up lớn lên
indifferent, grow cold, lose interest (in) lờ lững
to teeth; to grow teeth mọc răng
become less and less, weaken, become or grow weak ngơn ngớt
to grow (bacteria) in a culture medium nuôi cấy
rear (animals) and grow (plants) nuôi trồng
to grow (up) sing trưởng
to grow up, be born and bred sinh trương
to grow up in Japan sinh trương tại Nhật Bản
to float water-fern, grow water-fern (on a pond) thả bèo
to grow up, mature; maturation trưởng thành
to plant, grow vegetables trồng rau
to shrink, contract, wither, lose flesh, grow thin tóp
to lose flesh, grow thin tọp
be renewed, be revived, mend, grow better, reform tự tân
to get old, grow old về già
to grow or wear a beard để râu
redden, tinge with red, grow red color, blush ửng