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Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics

315 Activities E

exact: like: government

VNEN chánh phủ * government *
VNEN chính phủ * government *

assistant district chief, government clerk bang biện
assistant district chief, government clerk bang tá
to abolish the government examination system bãi bỏ chế độ thi cử
the government continues to repress the people chính quyền tiếp tục đàn áp người dân
public debt, government bond công phiếu
public loan, debt; government bond công trái
assignment, mission, civil service, government service công vụ
(of government employees) with special-status ngoại ngạch
(1) to order, judge
(2) government clerk
(3) to judge, decide
officers and soldiers, government army, armed forces quan quân
government bond, national debt, government securities quốc trái
US government bonds trái phiếu chính phủ Mỹ
electricity, electric; palace, temple, main government building điện