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Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics

315 Activities E

exact: like: five

VNEN ngũ * five *

2000VIET năm five
2000VIET năm mươi lăm fifty-five

the four corners of the earth, the five continents, the whole world bốn biển
only five more years chỉ 5 năm nữa
(it’s) five to two (o’clock) hai giờ kém năm
(1) scallion, spring onion
(2) to act, execute, carry out
(3) stem
(4) to go, travel (on foot)
(5) one of the five elements
one of the five musical notes (in Vietnamese traditional music) liu
a type of vine whose flowers have five petals, are yellow and shaped like dragon’s claws móng rồng
the five prohibitions of Buddhism (no killing, no stealing, no sex, no vulgarity, no alcohol) ngũ giới
the five basic elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) ngũ hành
the five punishments (death, banishment for life, deportation, imprisonment, fine) ngũ hình
the five classics ngũ kinh
the five senses ngũ quan
the five fruits (banana, oranges, kumquats, pomelos, finger citrons) ngũ quả
the five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, black) ngũ sắc
the five virtues (benevolence, righteousness, civility, knowledge, loyalty) ngũ thường
the five inner parts innards ngũ tạng
the five tastes ngũ vị
the five notes (of the traditional musical scale) ngũ âm
(1) five
(2) year
small amount, amount between five and seven năm bảy
fifty (i.e. five tens) năm chục
every year, yearly; five years năm năm
double five ( th of th lunar month) trùng ngũ
this job can be done in five days at most việc này bất quá năm ngày làm xong