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315 Activities E

exact: like: bad

VNEN tòng tọc * bad *

2000VIET xấu bad

misfortune, ill luck, bad luck bĩ vận
revengeful and bent on recoup one’s losses (like a bad loser), con cay cú
to invite bad luck, get into chuốc vạ vào thân
to bring bad luck on, put a jinx on chạm vía
to call (someone) bad names, insult, curse chửi bới
trashy, gimcrack, worthless, of bad quality cà khổ
to have bad luck có nhớp
leave a bad name (reputation) di xú
wicked intention, bad ambition dã tâm
(1) quality, bad (tasting), uninteresting, poor, mediocre
(2) to open, get out
compete with a bad intention ganh gổ
wind and rain-inclemency, bad weather gió mưa
to relieve somebody of his run of bad luck giải hạn
to create a bad impression gây một cảm tưởng xấu
ill-tempered, bad-tempered, in a bad or foul mood gắt gỏng
to run into a piece of bad luck gặp chuyện bất hạnh
turn over a new leaf, reform, give up one’s bad ways for a good life hoán cải
to stink, be foul-smelling, have a bad smell hôi
have a bad (strong) breath, suffer from hôi mồm
to smell bad (like rotten fish) hôi tanh
very bad smelling hôi xì
turn bad in character hư đốn
difficult, bad luck khảm kha
in difficulty, in danger, in trouble, in a tight spot, in a bad situation khốn
bad guy, bad person kẻ xấu
to set a bad example làm gương xấu
hard of hearing, having bad hearing lảng tai
to get a bad name, get a bad reputation mang tai mang tiếng
to suffer a bad reputation mang tiếng
A bad workman blames his tools múa vụng chê đất lệch
ill lick, bad luck mạt vận
to lose one’s voice, be aphonic; to get a bad name or reputation, be brought into discredit, fall into disrepute mất tiếng
to pick up a bad habit mắc tật
to contract a bad habit nhiễm một thói xấu
always on bad terms with somebody như chị dâu em chồng
splitting headache, bad headache nhức óc
to have bad karma nặng nghiệp
karma derived from bad actions oan trái
indisposition (due to cold, bad weather) phong hàn
a bad son who ruins his family phá gia chi tử
a bad egg phần tử bất hảo
it’s too bad that, it’s unfortunate that, I’m sorry that rất tiếc là
(1) bad luck
(2) allied through marriage
to have bad luck súi
bad name, bad reputation, scandal tai tiếng
be in bad shape, decrepit thân tàn ma dại
bad habit, bad manners thói xấu
bad tactics, bad ploy thất sách
it’s too bad that tiếc rằng
change in the weather, bad weather trái gió trở trời
to acquire bad habits, infect, contaminate, pollute, corrupt tẩm nhiễm
in a bad state, in bad condition tồi tàn trạng từ
unprincipled, bad behavior vô hạnh
bad blood, be in bad health, be ailing, sickly xấu máu
antipathy, aversion, dislike, hatred, hostility, ill feelings, animosity, enmity, bad blood ác cảm
bad name, bad reputation, evil name ác danh
produce bad music; sounds of a funeral trumpet ò e í e
spread a bad rumor, circulate điều ong tiếng ve
exchange fraudulently (a bad thing for a good one) đánh tráo
to leave a bad name để tiếng
go to the bad, take a bad turn đổ đốn