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我上了当, 还以为他们的玩笑是真的呢. I was hoaxed into believing their story.
他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的. His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest.
我真的必须参加这个会议吗? Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?
你真的一点也不关心你的将来? Do you really care nothing about your future?
我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。 We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.
这真的没有必要。 That's really not necessary.
我真的会想念你的。 I'm really going to miss you.
我曾认为这可能是真的。 I thought it might be true.
我认真地按指示办事. I followed the instructions religiously.
音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。 The music was so loud it made my ears ring.
他未做认真的调查就仓促做出了结论。 He jumped to a conclusion without careful investigation.
大都市外面的生活步调往往是缓慢得多,这在其他国家也是真的那样。 Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.
这次地震把这堵墙震得下陷并开始崩塌. The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble.
如果这是真的又该如何呢? What if it is true?
我真的需要把它抄下来吗? Do I really need to copy it?
是真的还是我当时在做梦? Was it real or did I dream it?
稚嫩的;无经验的,不老练的缺乏经验或老练的;天真的 Lacking experience or sophistication; naive.
这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。 This work will hardly stand close examination.
我胸针的钩子断了。 The clasp of my brooch is broken.
这张钞票是假的, 那张是真的. This note is counterfeit, but that one's good.
交通拥挤是许多旧城镇的难题。 Heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns.
幼稚的,天真的不世故的,天真的 Lacking sophistication or worldly experience; naive.
城镇的那部分对游客完全没有吸引力。 That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.
你工作得愈久,你愈会疲倦,那必然是真的。 It follows that the longer you work, the more tired you will be.
这座桥的建造对这两个镇的交通很重要。 The building of the bridge is very important for the transportation between the two towns.
多亏许多科学的工作,我们能预先知道要发生地震的时间和地点了。 Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are able to learn in advance when and where an earthquake will happen.
公路特指连结城市、县镇的公用道路 A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.
如果他真地要你当众收回海口,那你也是活该;你本不该那样自吹自擂。 It serves you right if he did make you eat the leek in public; you should not be so boastful.
圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。 Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters.
哦,对不起。允许我更正一下,这件古董绝对是真的。 Oh, I'm sorry, but if I may correct you, this is absolutely real.
管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻 A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.
我并非真的想同我儿子打一场艰苦的网球赛,因此就敷衍了一下,让他赢了前两局。 I didn't really want to play a hard game of tennis with my son, so I went through the motions and let him win the first two sets.
贞德在1429年率大军解除了英军对奥尔良的围攻。 Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in1429.
由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。 The high risk of infection put a premium on the use of sterile needle.