
age + number of years a person has lived (also of things)
month + one of 12 28-31 day periods in the year
spring + time of year when plants start growing after winter
summer + part of the year when the weather is hot
winter + coldest season of the year
april + 4th month of the year
august + 8th month of the year
century + period of 100 years
december + The 12th month of the year
february + 2nd month of the year
july + 7th month of the year
november + 11th month of the year
october + 10th month of the year
salary + money an employee is paid each year
season + One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
september + 9th month of the year
annual + happening once a year, or every year
decade + period of 10 years
graduate + Concerning university courses taken after receiving a four-year degree
january + 1st month of the year
june + 6th month of the year

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Grade E word(s):
