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这一误会引发了激烈的争论. Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding.
双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。 A border clash between the two armies started the war.
这次金融危机引发新的因素起了作用. This financial crisis has brought new factors into play.
指引方向的神 A guiding spirit.
他害怕得声音发抖。 His voice shook with fear.
他的样子和他在电话中说话的声音反映的病情是一样的。 He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone.
他不安的神色引发了谣传说他与警方发生了某些纠葛。 His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police.
因发烧而发热的孩子 A child burning with fever.
他的黑发中夹杂着银发。 His black hair was threaded with silver.
这条路因发生事故而被封闭. They've closed the road because of an accident.
他因犯谋杀罪而被处以绞刑。 He was hanged for murder.
贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序 The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
开的发音时,舌头放低并放平,口腔敞开,正如bath一词中的a和father中的a发音一样时。用于元音发音 Pronounced with the tongue placed low and flat and with the oral cavity wide open, like the a in bath when pronounced like the a in father. Used of vowels.