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满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。 The dusty road made the travelers dusty too.
那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。 The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people.
一切抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压. All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
蒂姆成了传播媒介的焦点, 却也满不在乎. Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.
因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。 The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.
北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。 NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights.
极为野蛮的;残忍的 Extremely savage; fierce.
野蛮的长相凶恶的或面目狰狞的 Savage or threatening in appearance.
血洗野蛮的、不加区别的杀戳;大屠杀 Savage, indiscriminate killing; a massacre.
当欧洲人还是居住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。 These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.