
7 New HSK word(s): HSK5 勤奋 + qin2fen4 hardworking; diligent HSK5 休闲 + xiu1xian2 leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow HSK5 刻苦 + ke4ku3 hardworking; assiduous HSK6 勤劳 + qin2lao2 hardworking; industrious; diligent HSK6 勤俭 + qin2jian3 hardworking and frugal HSK6 加工 + jia1gong1 to process; processing; working (of machinery) HSK6 辛勤 + xin1qin2 hardworking; industrious
10 Old HSK word(s): B * jia1 gong1 process/ machining/ working B * yong4 gong1 hardworking/ diligent B VS * ke4ku3 assiduous/ hardworking C VS * qin2lao2 hardworking/ diligent/ industrious/ assiduous C * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class C VS * xin1qin2 hardworking-diligent/ industrious/ hardworking C N * gong1xu4 working procedure/ process D VS * qin2fen4 hardworking D VS * qin2jian3 hardworking and thrifty D * gong1ren2 jie1ji2 working class


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Thuê +

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Grade E word(s):

我必须立刻开始工作。 I must start working at once.
学生们正在解一道数学习题。 The students are working on a mathematical problem.
工作了十五个小时之后,我开始感到累了。 After working for fifteen hours I began to tire.
没有人能够成功而不努力。 No one can succeed without working hard.
她工作的时候就把小儿子送到托儿所。 She sent her little son to a nursery when she was working.
中国人民正在努力工作,把国家建设得更加富饶美丽。 Chinese people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful.
他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。 His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.
你在那不停的噪声中怎麽能工作得下去呀? How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on?
已成立工作组调查该问题. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
他专心致志地制订计划。 He was involved in working out a plan.
她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。 She kept on working although she was tired.
我们与警方配合进行工作. We are working in conjunction with the police.
他非但不用功,反而到处鬼混。 Far from working hard, he played around.
我们正在为达到共同的目标而努力. We're working towards common objectives.
劳资双方仍在商谈制订和解方案. Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula.
篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。 The basketball players are working out at the gym.
他是用功的学生, 是优秀的榜样. He's a shining (ie outstanding, excellent) example of a hard-working pupil.
政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
经理企图以解雇来威胁,迫使职工更卖力气。 The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.
这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象. The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
那时,这老头儿只不过是个泥瓦工罢了。他之所以发迹,我认为靠的是精明的而不是业绩。 In his time, the old gentleman was a working mason, and had risen form the ranks more, I think, by shrewdness than by merit.
证券交易所的运作情况大多数人都不了解。 The working of the stock exchange is beyond most people's ken.
我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
不努力是考不及格的, 因此不要欺骗自己(以为可以及格). You can't pass exams without working, so don't deceive yourself (into thinking you can).
他一直工作到深夜. He carried on working long into the night.
似乎什么事也没发生过似的。 It seems as if he had been working for hours.
这一行业的工作环境已有很大改善. Working conditions in the industry have improved greatly.
经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。 We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working.
现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
他的儿子已成长为一个健壮勤劳的小伙子。 His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man.
那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。 The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus.
我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。 I am working on a master's degree in civil architecture.
我们整星期一直工作, 没有片刻空闲. We've been working all week without a moment's leisure.
外科医生们正在日夜工作以抢救他的生命。 Surgeons are working round the clock to save his life.
他们正在努力研制尽善尽美的新颜料配方. They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品. The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.
母亲打发孩子们赶快去上学,然后就开始干起活来。 The mother hustled the children off to school and started working.
因你一直工作到如此晚的时间,今天不计较那迟到的五分钟了。 As you were kept working so late, you will be excused from being late for five minutes today.
平面规,测平仪在精密金属加工中用于测定平面表面精度的金属平板 A flat metal plate for gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metalworking.
通风设备出故障了。 The ventilation isn't working.
我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。 I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
这一新定单意味著(我们)得加班加点. This new order will mean (us) working overtime.
工作态度,工做品质,技艺工作或处理的方式、风格或质量;手艺 The manner, style, or quality of working or treatment; workmanship.
回想一下工人阶级生活的一些惯例:就拿衣服来说,坚持穿最好的衣服。 Recall for a moment some of the routines of working-class life; as to clothes, the persistence of the Sunday suit.
"一位在钟塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆挂在一根指针上,把钟弄慢了。" A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.