
0 New HSK word(s):
3 Old HSK word(s): D * zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 strive to be the first/ vie with each other D VA * xiang1shi2 be acquainted with each other D VA * xiang1tong1 communicate with each other


Grade E word(s):

这二人一见钟情。 The two fell in love with each other at the first sight.
各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客。 Businesses vied with each other to attract customers.
他们相互交换了人质. They exchanged hostages with each other.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争. Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract.
他们是彼此争夺第一名的老对手。 They are old rivals vying with each other for first place.
他们争吵到打架的程度。 They argued to the point of fighting with each other.
这两种类型的狗可以杂交繁殖. These two types of dog can interbreed/be interbred (with each other).
他们已经到了必须彼此分手的地步。 They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other.
警察通过无线电(互相)联络. The police communicate (with each other) by radio.
那两个罪犯(彼此)勾结在一起. The two criminals were in cahoots (with each other).
两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接. The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.
我们已(互相)通信多年了, 可是我从未见过他本人. We've corresponded (with each other) (ie written to each other) for years but I've never actually met him.
几个证人的陈述并不一致。 The witnesses' statements just don't agree with each other.
他们生活在一起十分融洽. They live in perfect accord with each other.
孩子们常常(为玩具)争吵. The children are always bickering (with each other) (over their toys).
夫妻间应该偶尔(彼此)对调充当的角色. Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally.
我们应当本着既往不咎的原则重新合伙。 We should let bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other.