
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 拐杖 + guai3zhang4 crutches; crutch; walking stick
3 Old HSK word(s): C N * xing2ren2 walking-person/ pedestrian/ foot passenger C N * zou3lang2 walking-corridor/ corridor/ passage/ passageway C N * jiao3bu4 footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking


Nạng +
Grade E word(s):

步行了四个小时以后,我们开始累了。 After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.
他正沿海边走去。 He is walking down the seaside.
穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。 It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
他在雪中漫步。 He is walking amidst the snow.
她是活的医学教科书. She's a walking textbook of medicine.
我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。 I prefer walking to cycling.
一步行走时跨出的一步;一大步 A step made in walking; a stride.
老人对著那条要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓它走。 The old man brandishes his walking stick at the menace dog.
他不许我单独一人走回家。 He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone.
我们穿过田野时,惊动了一只野兔。 As we were walking across the fields, we started a hare.
他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。 He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
由重重的行走或行军产生的声音 The sound produced by heavy walking or marching.
晚上在照明很差的路上行走, 应该穿显眼的衣物. If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
轻快的或充满活力的移动或步伐 A light or resilient manner of moving or walking.
我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。 I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes.
这个被俘的将军,挺着身子走向刑场,直到临终还保持着自己的尊严。 The captured general maintained his dignity to the end, walking ramrod-straight to his execution.