
46 New HSK word(s): HSK2 问题 + wen4ti2 question; problem; issue; topic; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 黄河 + Huang2He2 Yellow River or Huang He HSK3 办公室 + ban4gong1shi4 office; business premises; bureau; CL:间/间jian1 HSK3 文化 + wen2hua4 culture; civilization; cultural; CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK3 着急 + zhao2ji2 to worry; to feel anxious; Taiwan pr.zhao1 ji2 HSK4 + gan3 to overtake; to catch up with; to hurry; to rush; to try to catch (the bus etc); to drive (cattle etc) forward; to drive (sb) away; to avail oneself of (an opportunity); until HSK4 仍然 + reng2ran2 still; yet HSK4 作家 + zuo4jia1 author; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK5 赶紧 + gan3jin3 hurriedly; without delay HSK5 赶快 + gan3kuai4 at once; immediately HSK5 培养 + pei2yang3 to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) HSK5 黄金 + huang2jin1 gold; golden (opportunity); prime (time) HSK5 辅导 + fu3dao3 to coach; to tutor; to give advice (in study) HSK5 + quan4 to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; to exhort; to console; to soothe HSK5 匆忙 + cong1mang2 hasty; hurried HSK5 急忙 + ji2mang2 hastily HSK5 依然 + yi1ran2 still; as before HSK5 采访 + cai3fang3 to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover HSK5 文具 + wen2ju4 stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc) HSK5 文明 + wen2ming2 civilized; civilization; culture; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 文字 + wen2zi4 character; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 文学 + wen2xue2 literature; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK5 咨询 + zi1xun2 to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal) HSK5 宣传 + xuan1chuan2 to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 天文 + tian1wen2 astronomy HSK6 事项 + shi4xiang4 matter; item HSK6 协商 + xie2shang1 to consult with; to talk things over; agreement HSK6 散文 + san3wen2 prose; essay HSK6 荒凉 + huang1liang2 desolate HSK6 茫然 + mang2ran2 blankly; vacantly; at a loss HSK6 托运 + tuo1yun4 to consign (goods); to check through (baggage) HSK6 顾问 + gu4wen4 adviser; consultant HSK6 磋商 + cuo1shang1 to consult; to discuss seriously; to negotiate; to confer; negotiations; consultations HSK6 大不了 + da4bu4liao3 at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming HSK6 虚荣 + xu1rong2 vanity HSK6 时事 + shi2shi4 current trends; the present situation; how things are going HSK6 照样 + zhao4yang4 as before; (same) as usual HSK6 旷课 + kuang4ke4 to play truant; to cut classes HSK6 缺席 + que1xi2 absence; absent HSK6 急于求成 + ji2yu2qiu2cheng2 anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success; impatient for result; impetuous HSK6 仍旧 + reng2jiu4 still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet HSK6 倡导 + chang4dao3 to advocate; to initiate; to propose; to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought) HSK6 依旧 + yi1jiu4 as before; still HSK6 仓促 + cang1cu4 all of a sudden; hurriedly HSK6 文艺 + wen2yi4 literature and art HSK6 文献 + wen2xian4 document
Old HSK word(s):



Những vấn đề +


Các Sông Vàng +


Văn phòng +


Văn hóa +


Vội vàng +


Vội vàng +


Vẫn +


Nhà văn +

Vội vàng +

Vội vàng +

Văn hóa +

Vàng +

Tư vấn +

Tư vấn +

Vội vàng +

Vội vàng +

Vẫn +

Cuộc phỏng vấn +

Văn phòng +

Nền văn minh +

Văn bản +

Văn học +

Tư vấn +

Vận động +

Thiên văn +

Vấn đề +

Tư vấn +

Văn xuôi +

Hoang vắng +

Choáng váng +

Vận +

Nhà tư vấn +

Vấn +

Vấn đề lớn +

Vanity +

Vấn Đề Hiện Tại +

Vẫn +

Với sự vắng mặt +

Vắng mặt +

Vội vàng +

Vẫn +

Vận động +

Vẫn +

Vội vàng +

Văn học +

Văn học +
Grade E word(s):
