
82 New HSK word(s): HSK2 运动 + yun4dong4 to move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign; CL:场/场chang3 HSK3 聊天 + liao2tian1 to chat; to gossip HSK3 故事 + gu4shi5 narrative; story; tale HSK3 + ban1 to move (i.e. relocate oneself); to move (sth relatively heavy or bulky); to shift; to copy indiscriminately HSK3 + chuan2 boat; vessel; ship; CL:条/条tiao2,艘sou1,只/只zhi1 HSK4 专业 + zhuan1ye4 specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:门/门men2,个/个ge4; professional HSK4 + tang1 to wade; to trample; to turn the soil HSK4 + tang4 classifier for times, round trips or rows; a time; a trip HSK4 鼓励 + gu3li4 to encourage HSK4 招聘 + zhao1pin4 recruitment; to invite applications for a job HSK4 引起 + yin3qi3 to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse HSK4 出发 + chu1fa1 to start out; to set off HSK4 航班 + hang2ban1 scheduled flight; flight number; plane; scheduled sailing; sailing number; passenger ship HSK5 专家 + zhuan1jia1 expert; specialist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 鼓舞 + gu3wu3 heartening (news); boost (morale); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 教练 + jiao4lian4 instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK5 志愿者 + zhi4yuan4zhe3 volunteer HSK5 转变 + zhuan3bian4 to change; to transform; shift; transformation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 推广 + tui1guang3 to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc) HSK5 原则 + yuan2ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 原料 + yuan2liao4 raw material; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + ma4 to scold; to abuse; to curse; CL:通tong4,顿/顿dun4 HSK5 发言 + fa1yan2 to make a speech; statement; utterance; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 造成 + zao4cheng2 to bring about; to create; to cause HSK5 传统 + chuan2tong3 tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 传说 + chuan2shuo1 legend; folklore; tradition; it is said; they say that... HSK5 自愿 + zi4yuan4 voluntary HSK5 魅力 + mei4li4 charm; fascination; glamor; charisma HSK5 往返 + wang3fan3 to go back and forth; to go to and fro; round trip HSK5 能干 + neng2gan4 capable; competent HSK5 媒体 + mei2ti3 media, esp. news media HSK5 神话 + shen2hua4 legend; fairy tale; myth; mythology HSK5 流传 + liu2chuan2 to spread; to circulate; to hand down HSK5 学问 + xue2wen4 learning; knowledge; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 专长 + zhuan1chang2 specialty; special knowledge or ability HSK6 声明 + sheng1ming2 statement; declaration; CL:项/项xiang4,份fen4 HSK6 晋升 + jin4sheng1 to promote to a higher position HSK6 权威 + quan2wei1 authority; authoritative; power and prestige HSK6 相声 + xiang4sheng5 comic dialog; sketch; crosstalk HSK6 转达 + zhuan3da2 to pass on; to convey; to communicate HSK6 转移 + zhuan3yi2 to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine) HSK6 转让 + zhuan3rang4 transfer (technology, goods etc); conveyancing (property) HSK6 技巧 + ji4qiao3 skill; technique HSK6 + nuo2 to shift; to move HSK6 招收 + zhao1shou1 to hire; to recruit HSK6 提示 + ti2shi4 to prompt; to present; to point out; to draw attention to sth; hint; brief; cue HSK6 捣乱 + dao3luan4 to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally HSK6 过渡 + guo4du4 to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration) HSK6 历来 + li4lai2 always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time HSK6 垄断 + long3duan4 to enjoy market dominance; to monopolize HSK6 原理 + yuan2li3 principle; theory HSK6 原告 + yuan2gao4 complainant; plaintiff HSK6 致使 + zhi4shi3 to cause; to result in HSK6 零星 + ling2xing1 fragmentary; random; bits and pieces; sporadic HSK6 导航 + dao3hang2 navigation HSK6 频繁 + pin2fan2 frequently; often HSK6 申报 + shen1bao4 to report (to the authorities); to declare (to customs) HSK6 嘱咐 + zhu3fu4 to tell; to exhort; injunction HSK6 遗传 + yi2chuan2 heredity; inheritance; to transmit HSK6 知足常乐 + zhi1zu2chang2le4 satisfied with what one has (idiom) HSK6 迁徙 + qian1xi3 to migrate; to move HSK6 繁体字 + fan2ti3zi4 traditional Chinese character HSK6 管辖 + guan3xia2 to administer; to have jurisdiction (over) HSK6 周折 + zhou1zhe2 complication; twists and turns; problem; setback HSK6 勉励 + mian3li4 to encourage HSK6 传达 + chuan2da2 to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission HSK6 + zhou1 boat HSK6 航行 + hang2xing2 to sail; to fly; to navigate HSK6 衔接 + xian2jie1 to join together; to combine HSK6 媒介 + mei2jie4 media; medium HSK6 主权 + zhu3quan2 sovereignty HSK6 主管 + zhu3guan3 in charge; responsible for; person in charge; manager HSK6 端午节 + Duan1wu3jie2 the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month) HSK6 调剂 + tiao2ji4 to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription HSK6 迷人 + mi2ren2 fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting HSK6 定期 + ding4qi1 regularly; at regular intervals HSK6 宣誓 + xuan1shi4 to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow HSK6 寓言 + yu4yan2 fable; CL:则/则ze2 HSK6 窍门 + qiao4men2 a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth) HSK6 漫画 + man4hua4 caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga HSK6 深奥 + shen1ao4 profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly HSK6 举动 + ju3dong4 act; action; activity; move; movement
Old HSK word(s):



Chuyển động +


Nói chuyện +


Câu chuyện +


Di chuyển +


Thuyền +


Chuyên nghiệp +

Chuyến đi +


Chuyến đi +


Khuyến khích +


Tuyển dụng +


Nguyên nhân gây ra +


Các chuyến bay +


Chuyến bay +

Các chuyên gia +

Khuyến khích của những +

Huấn luyện viên +

Tình nguyện viên +

Chuyển tiếp +

Khuyến mãi +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên liệu +

Nguyền rủa +

Tuyên bố +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Truyền thống +

Truyền thuyết +

Tự nguyện +

Quyến rũ +

Chuyến đi vòng +

Có thẩm quyền +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Huyền thoại +

Trực tuyến +

Truyền thuyết +

Chuyên môn +

Tuyên bố +

Khuyến mãi +

Thẩm quyền +

Truyện tranh +

Truyền đạt +

Chuyển +

Chuyển +

Lời khuyên +

Di chuyển +

Tuyển dụng +

Lời khuyên +

Đá thuyền +

Sự chuyển đổi +

Theo truyền thống +

Độc quyền +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên đơn +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Không thường xuyên +

Chuyển hướng +

Thường xuyên +

Tuyên bố +

Lời khuyên +

Di truyền +

Mãn nguyện +

Di chuyển +

Truyền thống +

Thẩm quyền của những +

Những chuyến đi +

Khuyến khích +

Truyền đạt +

Thuyền +

Thuyền +

Bộ chuyển đổi +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Chủ quyền +

Có thẩm quyền +

Lễ Hội Thuyền Rồng +

Chuyển +

Quyến rũ +

Thường xuyên +

Những lời tuyên thệ +

Truyền thuyết +

Lời khuyên +

Truyện tranh +

Bí truyền +

Di chuyển +
Grade E word(s):
