
16 New HSK word(s): HSK3 + tui3 leg; CL:条/条tiao2 HSK4 + tui1 to push; to cut; to refuse; to reject; to decline; to shirk (responsibility); to put off; to delay; to push forward; to nominate; to elect; massage HSK4 推迟 + tui1chi2 to postpone; to put off; to defer HSK5 推荐 + tui1jian4 to recommend; recommendation HSK5 推辞 + tui1ci2 to decline (an appointment, invitation etc) HSK5 推广 + tui1guang3 to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc) HSK5 退 + tui4 to retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw HSK5 退步 + tui4bu4 to do less well than before; to make a concession; setback; backward step; leeway; room to maneuver; fallback HSK5 退休 + tui4xiu1 to retire; retirement (from work) HSK6 推理 + tui1li3 reasoning; speculative; inference HSK6 推销 + tui1xiao1 to market; to sell HSK6 推翻 + tui1fan1 to overthrow HSK6 推论 + tui1lun4 to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion HSK6 推测 + tui1ce4 speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate HSK6 撤退 + che4tui4 to retreat HSK6 衰退 + shuai1tui4 to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics)
26 Old HSK word(s): A VA * tui1 push/ shove/ turn a mill/ grind A N * tui3 leg A VA 退* tui4 return/ give back/ withdraw/ fade B VA * tui1dong4 push forward/ promote B VA 广* tui1guang3 popularize/ spread C VA * tui1chi2 push-later/ put off/ postpone/ delay/ defer C VA * tui1ci2 push-decline/ decline/ refuse/ turn down (an offer) C VA * tui1fan1 push-topple/ overthrow/ overturn/ reverse/ cancel C VA * tui1jian4 push-commend/ recommend C VA * tui1jin4 push-progress/ propel/ advance/ drive forward C v;n 退* tui4bu4 back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression C VA 退* tui4xiu1 withdraw-rest/ retire C VA 退* hou4tui4 back up/ draw back/ fall back/ retreat D VA 退* che4tui4 haul off D VA 退* dao4tui4 fall back D VA * tui1ce4 speculate/ guess/ presume D * tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4 push/ decline D N * tui1li3 inference/ reasoning D VA * tui1lun4 deduce D VA * tui1suan4 calculate D VA * tui1xiao1 promote sales D VA * tui1xing2 push D VA * tui1xuan3 elect/ choose D VA 退* shuai1tui4 decline/ break up D VA 退* tui4chu1 exit/ quit D VA 退* tui4huan2 send back/ hand back



Chân +


Đẩy +

飞机起飞的时间,~了 20 分钟。

Hoãn lại +

Đề nghị +

Từ chối +

Khuyến mãi +

Trở lại +

Thoái +

Nghỉ hưu +

Lý luận +

Marketing +

Lật đổ +

Suy luận +

Suy đoán +

Rút lui +

Suy thoái +
Grade E word(s):

她有着细长的腿。 She has long thin shanks.
他急急忙忙地把孩子们推进汽车。 He huddled the children into the automobile.
他推我,我跌了下来。 He pushed me and I fell over.
她推说她觉得很疲劳。 She pleaded that she felt very tired.
工人们正在推卷线杆。 The worker is pushing the distaff.
他推着手推车沿路走过。 He trundled a wheelbarrow down the path.
在困难面前我们决不退缩。 We never flinch from difficulties.
我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。 We decided to delay our wedding until next year.
强迫推行一项政策不是办法。 It is not the proper way to implement a policy by force.
他退休后觉得自己年老无用了。 When he retired he felt that he had outlived his usefulness.
不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人 A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.
向公司索取退款手续很复杂。 Obtaining a refund from the company is a complicated procedure.
从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。 Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.
你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上突袭我们。 The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
他这个人很没意思, 在聚会上我总是对他退避三舍. He's so boring that I always try to give him a wide berth at parties.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。 Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind.
刀刃把他的腿划破了。 The blade slashed his leg open.
龙虾有八条腿两条爪子。 Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.
那个退休妇女是个临时保姆。 That retired woman is a baby-sitter.
每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.
这张桌子的腿是用螺丝固定在地板上的。 The table legs are screwed to the floor.
送小孩上学的重担又推给了我! I got saddled with taking the children to school again!
运动员们离开赛场时,被愤怒的人群推搡着。 The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
推广这种新方法不是件容易的工作。 Popularizing this new method is not an easy job.
坐下歇歇腿儿吧. Sit down and rest your legs.
这匹马的后腿断了。 The hind leg of this horse was broken.
无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广. The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.
有些品种的狗尾巴只有退化的部分. Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails.
这位老人退休前是警察局长。 The old man was a police commissioner before his retirement.
这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。 The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.
她发觉退休后很难建立起新的生活规律。 She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement.
我用毯子把病人的腿包了起来,让他暖和一点儿。 I wrapped the rug around the sick man's legs to keep him warm.
我们的部队已经退下来重新整编,以便发动新的进攻。 Our armies have retired to regroup for a fresh attack.
从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。 The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
那些战士都裹着绑腿。 Those soldiers all wear leggings.
推断出的明显结论是她有罪. It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty.
摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。 The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
过了几天,洪水才退,生活恢复了正常。 It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal.
哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的 Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.
船处于顶风位置的风以阻碍船只前进的方式推动 In such a way that the wind pushes against the forward side of a sail or sails.
这位推销员干得非常成功,到后来,他脱离公司自行开业。 The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.
假如我再容忍你下去的话,我可能会一步步退化至成为老婆也未可知。 If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.
敌人狼狈撤退。 The enemy retreated in great confusion.
罪犯被推上绞架吊死。 The criminals were hanged on the gibbet.
他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了. His leg had to be taken off above the knee.
推土机一种可用来挖掘或推动泥土机器,如推土机或挖土机 A machine, such as a bulldozer or backhoe, that is used for digging or pushing earth.
我们作了一次战略性退却,以便我们能积蓄力量再次进攻。 We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.
一位太太用一辆手推车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。 One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weight nearly500 pounds.
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。 The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime.
我的力气、 兴趣、 热情等正在减退. My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.
该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释. The letter was referred back (to us) with a query.
这个项目由於缺少资金而推迟了许多年. The project had hung fire for several years because of lack of funds.
广告称`聘请有积极性的年轻人任推销员'. The advertisementread Young self-starter wanted as salesperson'.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
推销员竭力怂恿我, 说可以节省一大笔取暖费用. The salesman tried to lead me on with talk of amazing savings on heating bills.
手臂和腿是人体的组成部分, 是构成完整的人体必不可少的. The arms and legs are integral parts of the human body; they are integral to the human body.
动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力 An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.
他们企图推翻国王。 They attempted to overthrow the monarch.
那只猫拖著断腿吃力地走. The cat was dragging its broken leg.
飞机因大雾推迟降落。 The plane's landing was delayed because of fog.
他退休前是空军中将。 He was an Air Marshal before retirement.
多看电视会使你的头脑退化。 Too much television rots your brain.
推动的,原动力的引起或产生行动的 Causing or producing motion.
但这并没有使他们动摇或退缩。 But this did not make them waver or retreat.
他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。 Instead of pressing forward, then drew back.
这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。 The flight was delayed owing to technical reasons.
假如我有选择的余地, 我三十岁就退休. If I had the choice, I would retire at thirty.
医生无法解释高烧何以持久不退。 The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the fever.
医生无法解释高烧何以持久不退. The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the high temperature.
人群向后退开,让救护车可以开过去。 The crowd bore back so that the ambulance could pass.
在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。 The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.
我们正要去度假,他却偏偏摔断了腿。 He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday.
当别人注意他时,他就会退缩一旁。 He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.
指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行. The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.
我虽已退休, 但仍做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势. Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).
有些人感到退休生活很艰难,但他轻而易举地适应了。 Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride.
参观博物馆被推迟了。 Our visit to the museum is postponed.
他把凳子推到桌子下面。 He pushed the stool under the table.
他打仗回来, 少了一条腿. He came back from the war minus a leg.
我推荐她代表我们出席会议。 I nominate her to present us at the meeting.
向悲观的人推销保险很容易. It's easy to sell insurance to a pessimist.
经济衰退的威胁笼罩着世界。 The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.
敌军推进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区. The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.
寒冷的天气使插秧推迟两个星期。 The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.
承蒙足下推荐, 我已获得这份工作. I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.
那个推销员试图说服她买他的东西。 The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods.
该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。 The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace.
这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效. The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee.
他本来答应跟我们同往,但后来一直借故推辞了。 He promised to go with us, but he has since begged off.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.
一伙人被指控阴谋推翻选举产生的合法政府。 A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
车厢间隔里没有别人, 我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下. Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself.
随着时间的推移,社会主义的新生事物必然会不断壮大。 The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
因为她的工作一向是她生命的支柱,所以退休后日子很不好过. Because her job had been the pivot of her life, retirement was very difficult.
我方接受委托推荐下列人员,他们愿意提供你方所需的任何情况。 As reference we wish to give the following who have kindly agreed to give any information you may desire.
这家小公司推出新产品获得成功,因为这种新产品恰好是大众所需要的。 The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
哈姆雷特从舞台左侧退下。 Hamlet goes off stage left.
部队向前推进时呈扇形散开 The troops fanned out as they advanced.
政府拟推行私有化计画. The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.
他泄露了他们推翻政府的阴谋。 He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government.
如果你们能多给我们一些佣金,就可以便于我方推销。 It will be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission.
晚会推迟到8点举行。 The party was postponed until 8 o'clock.
飞机起飞推迟了(两个小时). There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off.
该学说已受到怀疑;该理论已过推翻。 The theory has been discredited.
自己运动的;自己推进的或自己驱动的 Moving by itself; self-propelling or self-propelled.
一篮子一篮子摘下来的棉花;退了毛的火鸡 Baskets of picked cotton; a picked turkey.
经理敦促年纪较大的职员提前退休。 The manager urged older staff to take up early retirement.
那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
由于(考虑到)最近无船,我们同意推迟装期。 We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently.
他早早退休, 摆脱了工作的羁绊而加入了当地的几个俱乐部. Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。 Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
前面肯定有险阻,你可以向前也可以后退,你将怎么办啊? The danger is certainly a lion in the path; you can go ahead or turn back. Which will you do?
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
他让他的马退出了比赛。 He withdrew his horse from the race.
等我们检查完你的文件就退还给你. You can have your files back after we've checked them.
我知道火车已经停了,但我觉得火车在倒退。 I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.
交叉着双腿 Cross one's legs.
她推迟到星期六启程。 He put off his departure till Saturday.
我的双腿完全失去了知觉. I've lost all feeling in my legs.
把这些次货退还给厂家. Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer.
换质法推导一个命题的方法 Inference of the obverse of a proposition.
他硬说我们的推论完全错了。 He insisted that our inference was all wet.
现在已经过了退课的最后期限了。 It's past the deadline to withdraw.
推测结果是竞选可能会失败。 The presumable result is an election defeat.
他不根据前提推理因而论证无效. This non sequitur invalidates his argument.
英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。 The British line was forced back a short distance.
随着时间的推移,听众越来越多了。 The hearers increased quickly as time went on.
医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。 The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg.
去年他被推选出席了先进工作者会议。 Last year he was chosen to attend a conference of advanced workers.
推断由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为 The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.
不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。 He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.
我们的机枪扫倒了向前推进的一排排敌方步兵。 Our machineguns mowed down the advancing lines of enemy infantry men.
我们的机枪扫倒了向前推进的一排排敌人的步兵。 Our machine-guns moved down the advancing lines of enemy infantrymen.
这位即将退休的矿工把风钻移交给他的接班人。 The retiring miner delivered his pneumatic drill over to his successor.
我们的首席代表的退场被看作是一种抗议的表示。 Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.
我们对入侵之敌采取牵制的方针, 以备组织好兵力将之击退. Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
敌人冲破了前线,但被我们的骑兵部队毫不留情地从高地击退。 The enemy broke through the front line, but were firmly repulsed from the higher ground by cavalry.
我希望时光能够倒退回去,我可以重新去过学生时代的生活。我后悔当初不够努力,没有通过更多的考试。 I wish I could put the clock back and relive my schooldays; I regret not having tried harder and passed more exams.
他的视力在衰退。 His sight is going.
敌人被迫撤退。 The enemy was forced to retreat.
她负责推销工作. She is responsible for sales promotion.
他的精力似乎正在衰退。 His energy seemed to ebb.
策划一个推翻政府的阴谋 Brew a plot to overthrow the government.
推销员拒绝讨价还价。 The salesman refused to bargain over the price.
商行生意衰退,最后倒闭了。 The business faltered and then failed.
这家公司正大搞推销运动. The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives.
伤亡太大, 我们不得不撤退。 We have to draw off because of losses of forces.
我们的部队撤退到既设阵地上。 Our forces retired to prepared positions.
他的双腿很疲乏,但心情舒畅。 His legs were weary, but his mind was at ease.
我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。 In the recession, our firm go through a bad time.
我们驶抵公海, 海岸似乎退到了远方. We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance.
那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。 The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
她作出的他此时已经死亡的推论是正确的。 Her deduction that he was now dead was correct.
科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.
有些尚未查明的势力正在活动图谋推翻政府. Unknownforces were at work to overthrow the government.
我们雇用了一家广告公司来推销我们的产品。 We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.
引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语 Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.
因经济衰退状况终止有望,股票价格得以保持高位。 Share prices were buoyed up by hopes of an end to the recession.
旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。 The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
圣公会教区委员圣公会教区委员会中推选的两位主要执事之一 One of two elected chief lay officers of the vestry in the Episcopal Church.
脚踏旋转平台一种由一圆形小平台组成的游乐场设备,当推动它或踩其踏板时能够转动 A piece of playground equipment consisting of a small circular platform that revolves when pushed or pedaled.
她两腿麻痹. She is paralysed in both legs.
她有时剃腿上的寒毛. She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
他因负伤而退役. He was invalided out of the army because of the wounds he received.
这匹骡子忽然用后腿猛踢 The mule lashed out with its hind legs.
我感到了猫在我的腿上蹭来蹭去。 I could feel the cat rubbing up against my leg.
潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。 As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
据说他腿瘸了,是一次事故造成的。 It's said that his lameness resulted from an accident.
而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。 And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom.
墨索里尼一伙使意大利倒退了好多年。 Mussolini and his group set back the progress of Italy many years.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
原定砍伐的那棵树已经推迟六个月再砍. The tree that was due to be cut down has been reprieved for six months.
班上计划义卖糖果,推选凯特为主持人。 The class planned a candy sale and they elected Kate to head it up.
膝处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位 The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.
若肾功能衰退, 可通过渗透作用使血液净化. Blood can be cleaned by osmosis if the kidneys have failed.
不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论 A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.
归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程 The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.
这些推销员可从推销的商品上获得一定百分比的佣金. The salesmen get a percentage (ie a commission) on everything they sell.
空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿 A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.
很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人死后或退休后才能步其后尘,谋取其职。 The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes.
病人情况危急,因而需要手术,但又无法保证她是否能经受得住麻醉剂,外科医生处于进退两难的境地。 The patient's condition was critical and she needed an operation but there was no guarantee that she would survive the anaesthetic; the surgeon was on the horns of a dilemma.
出事後他的左腿瘸了. The accident made him lame in the left leg.
【谚】墙倒众人推。 When a man is going down-hill, everyone will give him a push.
是什麽促使你推测出这样的结论? What made you conjecture that?
那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤。 The accident left a scar on her leg.
他为伦敦的一家大公司到处推销地毯. He travels in carpets for a big London firm.
他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。 He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch.
他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮. He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.
他从政三十年之後,终於决定退出政坛。 After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
思考,推理便运智力的行为过程;思考或推理 The act or process of using the intellect; thinking or reasoning.
如您急需这类商品,我想向您推荐A58号产品。 If you were in urgent need of the goods, I'd like to recommend article a58.
社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制. Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
这本书的作者是一个退休上校,他过去常参与策划间谍活动。 The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
脂肪团一种能引起如大腿、臀部等处的皱纹或凹凸不平的脂肪沉淀物 A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
退化(作用)一个生物体或物种的某种功能、特征或结构由于进化作用造成的衰退或丧失 The evolutionary decline or loss of a function, characteristic, or structure in an organism or a species.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部 A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.
甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。 Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.