
92 New HSK word(s): HSK1 中国 + Zhong1guo2 China HSK1 中午 + zhong1wu3 noon; midday; CL:个/个ge4 HSK1 前面 + qian2mian4 ahead; in front; preceding; above HSK1 汉语 + Han4yu3 Chinese language; CL:门/门men2 HSK1 学校 + xue2xiao4 school; CL:所suo3 HSK2 鸡蛋 + ji1dan4 (chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:个/个ge4,打da2 HSK3 环境 + huan2jing4 environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:个/个ge4; ambient HSK3 校长 + xiao4zhang3 (college, university) president; headmaster; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK3 中文 + Zhong1wen2 Chinese; Chinese written language; Chinese writing HSK3 中间 + zhong1jian1 between; intermediate; mid; middle HSK3 以前 + yi3qian2 before; formerly; previous; ago HSK3 熊猫 + xiong2mao1 panda; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK4 直接 + zhi2jie1 direct; opposite: indirect 间接/间接; immediate; directly; straightforward HSK4 提前 + ti2qian2 to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance HSK4 通知 + tong1zhi1 to notify; to inform; notice; notification; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 重点 + zhong4dian3 important point; main point; focus; key (project etc); to focus on; to put the emphasis on HSK4 长江 + Chang2Jiang1 Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang HSK4 参观 + can1guan1 to look around; to tour; to visit HSK4 诚实 + cheng2shi2 honest; honesty; honorable; truthful HSK4 情况 + qing2kuang4 circumstances; state of affairs; situation; CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK5 专心 + zhuan1xin1 to concentrate; absorption; concentration; engrossed HSK5 开幕式 + kai1mu4shi4 opening ceremony HSK5 万一 + wan4yi1 just in case; if by any chance; contingency HSK5 老实 + lao3shi5 honest; sincere; open and guileless; naive HSK5 事先 + shi4xian1 in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior HSK5 柜台 + gui4tai2 sales counter; front desk; bar; over the counter HSK5 抽象 + chou1xiang4 abstract; abstraction; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK5 成长 + cheng2zhang3 to mature; to grow; growth HSK5 平均 + ping2jun1 average HSK5 除非 + chu2fei1 only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless HSK5 昆虫 + kun1chong2 insect; CL:只/只zhi1,群qun2,堆dui1 HSK5 中心 + zhong1xin1 center; heart; core; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 光临 + guang1lin2 (formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend HSK5 生长 + sheng1zhang3 to grow HSK5 看望 + kan4wang4 to visit; to pay a call to HSK5 传统 + chuan2tong3 tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 传说 + chuan2shuo1 legend; folklore; tradition; it is said; they say that... HSK5 传染 + chuan2ran3 to infect; contagious HSK5 华裔 + Hua2yi4 ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry HSK5 集中 + ji2zhong1 to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together HSK5 从前 + cong2qian2 previously; formerly; once upon a time HSK5 结构 + jie2gou4 structure; composition; makeup; architecture; CL:座zuo4,个/个ge4 HSK5 媒体 + mei2ti3 media, esp. news media HSK5 主持 + zhu3chi2 to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to uphold; to stand for (justice etc); to host (a TV or radio program etc) HSK5 市场 + shi4chang3 marketplace; market (also in abstract) HSK5 流传 + liu2chuan2 to spread; to circulate; to hand down HSK5 + nong2 concentrated; dense; strong (smell etc) HSK5 学问 + xue2wen4 learning; knowledge; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 开除 + kai1chu2 to expel HSK6 相声 + xiang4sheng5 comic dialog; sketch; crosstalk HSK6 档案 + dang4an4 file; record; archive HSK6 转达 + zhuan3da2 to pass on; to convey; to communicate HSK6 排除 + pai2chu2 to eliminate; to remove; to exclude; to rule out HSK6 排斥 + pai2chi4 to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel HSK6 挥霍 + hui1huo4 to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile HSK6 探望 + tan4wang4 to visit; to call on sb; to look around HSK6 感染 + gan3ran3 infection; to infect; to influence HSK6 历来 + li4lai2 always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time HSK6 大臣 + da4chen2 chancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister HSK6 驱逐 + qu1zhu2 to expel; to deport; banishment HSK6 预先 + yu4xian1 beforehand; in advance HSK6 中央 + zhong1yang1 central; middle; center; central authorities (of a state) HSK6 中立 + zhong1li4 neutral HSK6 遗传 + yi2chuan2 heredity; inheritance; to transmit HSK6 跟前 + gen1qian2 in front of; close to; nearby; the time just before HSK6 跟前 + gen1qian5 living with sb; nearby HSK6 忠诚 + zhong1cheng2 devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty HSK6 忠实 + zhong1shi2 faithful HSK6 发扬 + fa1yang2 to develop; to make full use of HSK6 拜访 + bai4fang3 to pay a visit; to call on HSK6 先前 + xian1qian2 before; previously HSK6 繁体字 + fan2ti3zi4 traditional Chinese character HSK6 条理 + tiao2li3 arrangement; order; tidiness HSK6 传达 + chuan2da2 to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission HSK6 焦点 + jiao1dian3 focus; focal point HSK6 储存 + chu3cun2 stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage HSK6 储备 + chu3bei4 reserves; to store up HSK6 航天 + hang2tian1 space flight HSK6 须知 + xu1zhi1 prerequisites; rules that must be known before starting sth HSK6 媒介 + mei2jie4 media; medium HSK6 访问 + fang3wen4 to visit; to call on; to interview; CL:次ci4 HSK6 着重 + zhuo2zhong4 to put emphasis on; to stress HSK6 宇宙 + yu3zhou4 universe; cosmos HSK6 寓言 + yu4yan2 fable; CL:则/则ze2 HSK6 案例 + an4li4 case (law); CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 案件 + an4jian4 case; instance; CL:宗zong1,桩/桩zhuang1,起qi3 HSK6 漫画 + man4hua4 caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga HSK6 消毒 + xiao1du2 to disinfect; to sterilize HSK6 + liu1 to slip away; to escape in stealth; to skate HSK6 注重 + zhu4zhong4 to pay attention to; to emphasize HSK6 深奥 + shen1ao4 profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly HSK6 情形 + qing2xing5 circumstances; situation; CL:个/个ge4
Old HSK word(s):



Trung quốc +


Buổi trưa +


Phía trước +


Trung quốc +


Trường +


Trứng +


Môi trường +


Hiệu trưởng +


Trung quốc +


Trung gian +


Trước khi +


Gấu trúc +


Trực tiếp +


Trước +


Không báo trước +


Tập trung +


Sông Trường Giang +


Truy cập +


Trung thực +


Trường hợp +

Tập trung vào +

Buổi lễ khai trương +

Trong trường hợp +

Phải trung thực +

Trước +

Truy cập +

Trừu tượng +

Tăng trưởng +

Trung bình +

Trừ khi +

Côn trùng +

Trung tâm +

Truy cập +

Tăng trưởng +

Truy cập +

Truyền thống +

Truyền thuyết +

Nhiễm trùng +

Trung quốc +

Tập trung +

Từ phía trước +

Cấu trúc +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Lưu trữ +

Thị trường +

Trực tuyến +

Tập trung +

Truyền thuyết +

Bị trục xuất +

Truyện tranh +

Lưu trữ +

Truyền đạt +

Loại trừ +

Loại trừ +

Phô trương +

Truy cập +

Nhiễm trùng +

Theo truyền thống +

Bộ Trưởng +

Trục xuất +

Trước +

Trung tâm +

Trung lập +

Di truyền +

Phía trước +

Phía trước +

Lòng trung thành +

Trung thành +

Tiến về phía trước +

Truy cập +

Trước đây +

Truyền thống +

Cấu trúc +

Truyền đạt +

Tập trung +

Lưu trữ +

Dự trữ +

Hàng không vũ trụ +

Không báo trước +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Truy cập +

Tập trung vào +

Các trụ +

Truyền thuyết +

Trường hợp +

Trường hợp +

Truyện tranh +

Khử trùng +

Trượt +

Tập trung vào +

Bí truyền +

Trường hợp +
Grade E word(s):
