
4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + zhao2 to touch; to come in contact with; to feel; to be affected by; to catch fire; to fall asleep; to burn HSK5 着火 + zhao2huo3 to ignite; to burn HSK5 燃烧 + ran2shao1 to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming HSK5 + tang4 to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot
0 Old HSK word(s):


Những +

Lửa +

Đốt cháy +

Nóng +
Grade E word(s):

用放大镜把阳光聚到乾叶子上, 叶子就能燃烧. If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn.
人们总是把老师比喻为燃烧的蜡烛。 Teachers are often compared to burning candles.