
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 + bao2 thin; cold in manner; indifferent; weak; light; infertile HSK5 + fu2 width; roll; classifier for textiles or pictures HSK6 发射 + fa1she4 to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket); to launch; to emit (a particle); to discharge; emanation; emission HSK6 敌视 + di2shi4 hostile; malevolence; antagonism; to view as enemy; to stand against HSK6 肥沃 + fei2wo4 fertile
6 Old HSK word(s): B VA * fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving/ textile C N * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products C N * wa3 tile D N * wen1yi4 pestilence D VS * fei2wo4 fertile D VA * di2shi4 be hostile to/ antagonize


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Grade E word(s):

他们的主要出口货物是纺织品,特别是丝绸和棉布。 Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。 The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile.
艾伯塔平原极其肥沃. The plains of Alberta are extremely fertile.
每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上. Each row of tiles laps the one below.
在暴风中屋顶的瓦片哗啦啦地落了下来. During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.
合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦. The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.
纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。拥有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200 A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population, 74,200.
石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中 Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
轻快的心情 In a volatile mood.
要买瓷砖的订货已登记下来了。 The order for ceramic tiles has been booked in.
尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃。 There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta.
丰富的想象力;新思想的丰富源泉 A fertile imagination; a fertile source of new ideas.
我们已经灌溉了荒芜地区使它肥沃。 We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile.
该地区的农民不得不在这块贫瘠的土地上挣扎谋生。 The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.
女王在群居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫 The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.