
10 New HSK word(s): HSK4 节约 + jie2yue1 to economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal HSK5 节省 + jie2sheng3 saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on HSK5 + jiu4 to save; to assist; to rescue HSK5 保存 + bao3cun2 to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing) HSK5 爱惜 + ai4xi1 to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly HSK6 + cuan2 to bring together HSK6 + zan3 to collect; to hoard; to accumulate; to save HSK6 挽救 + wan3jiu4 to save; to remedy; to rescue HSK6 挽回 + wan3hui2 to retrieve; to redeem HSK6 储蓄 + chu3xu4 to deposit money; to save; savings
Old HSK word(s):



Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +

Tiết kiệm +
Grade E word(s):
