
103 New HSK word(s): HSK1 天气 + tian1qi4 weather HSK1 时候 + shi2hou5 time; length of time; moment; period HSK2 时间 + shi2jian1 time; period; CL:段duan4 HSK2 手机 + shou3ji1 cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部bu4,支zhi1 HSK3 一会儿 + yi1hui4r5 a while; also pr.yi1 hui3 r5 HSK3 聪明 + cong1ming5 acute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart HSK3 习惯 + xi2guan4 habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 舒服 + shu1fu5 comfortable; feeling well HSK3 + ke4 quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals HSK4 开玩笑 + kai1wan2xiao4 to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke HSK4 堵车 + du3che1 traffic jam; choking HSK4 按时 + an4shi2 on time; before deadline; on schedule HSK4 来得及 + lai2de5ji2 there's still time; able to do sth in time HSK4 对话 + dui4hua4 dialog; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 同情 + tong2qing2 to sympathize with; sympathy HSK4 当时 + dang1shi2 then; at that time; while HSK4 及时 + ji2shi2 in time; promptly; without delay; timely HSK4 偶尔 + ou3er3 occasionally; once in a while; sometimes HSK4 信息 + xin4xi1 information; news; message HSK4 交通 + jiao1tong1 to be connected; traffic; transportation; communications; liaison HSK4 准时 + zhun3shi2 on time; punctual; on schedule HSK4 流利 + liu2li4 fluent HSK5 天真 + tian1zhen1 naive; innocent; artless HSK5 运输 + yun4shu1 transport; haulage; transit; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 巧妙 + qiao3miao4 ingenious; clever; ingenuity; artifice HSK5 退步 + tui4bu4 to do less well than before; to make a concession; setback; backward step; leeway; room to maneuver; fallback HSK5 预报 + yu4bao4 forecast HSK5 时期 + shi2qi1 period; phase; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 时尚 + shi2shang4 fashion; fad; fashionable HSK5 时代 + Shi2dai4 Time, US weekly news magazine HSK5 时代 + shi2dai4 age; era; epoch; period; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 时刻 + shi2ke4 moment; CL:个/个ge4; constantly; always HSK5 时差 + shi2cha1 time difference; time lag; jet lag HSK5 + chui1 to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through HSK5 呼吸 + hu1xi1 to breathe HSK5 制度 + zhi4du4 system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 移动 + yi2dong4 to move; movement; migration; mobile; portable HSK5 传统 + chuan2tong3 tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + ji4 to tie; to fasten; to button up HSK5 + xi4 to connect; to relate to; to tie up; to bind; to be (literary) HSK5 + xi4 system; department; faculty HSK5 + xi4 to connect; to arrest; to worry HSK5 系统 + xi4tong3 system; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 舒适 + shu1shi4 cozy; snug HSK5 + tao2 to escape; to run away; to flee HSK5 逃避 + tao2bi4 to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk HSK5 统一 + tong3yi1 to unify; to unite; to integrate HSK5 媒体 + mei2ti3 media, esp. news media HSK5 主席 + zhu3xi2 chairperson; premier; chairman; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK5 + shi1 poem; CL:首shou3; poetry; verse HSK5 神话 + shen2hua4 legend; fairy tale; myth; mythology HSK5 农村 + nong2cun1 rural area; village; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 资料 + zi1liao4 material; resources; data; information; profile (Internet); CL:份fen4,个/个ge4 HSK5 兼职 + jian1zhi2 to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting HSK5 粗糙 + cu1cao1 crude; gruff; rough; coarse HSK5 总裁 + zong3cai2 chairman; director-general (of a company etc) HSK5 总统 + zong3tong3 president (of a country); CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2,届/届jie4 HSK5 + lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly HSK5 宣布 + xuan1bu4 to declare; to announce; to proclaim HSK5 安慰 + an1wei4 to comfort; to console; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 沟通 + gou1tong1 to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate HSK6 寺庙 + si4miao4 temple; monastery; shrine HSK6 裁缝 + cai2feng2 tailor; dressmaker HSK6 + ci1 (onom.) whoosh HSK6 + ci4 thorn; sting; thrust; to prick; to pierce; to stab; to assassinate; to murder HSK6 期限 + qi1xian4 time limit; deadline; allotted time HSK6 恶化 + e4hua4 to worsen HSK6 暂且 + zan4qie3 for now; for the time being; temporarily HSK6 历来 + li4lai2 always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time HSK6 成交 + cheng2jiao1 to complete a contract; to reach a deal HSK6 不屑一顾 + bu4xie4yi1gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom) HSK6 不时 + bu4shi2 from time to time; now and then; occasionally HSK6 通讯 + tong1xun4 communications; news story; dispatch; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 时机 + shi2ji1 fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity HSK6 时光 + shi2guang1 time; era; period of time HSK6 叹气 + tan4qi4 to sigh; to heave a sigh HSK6 喘气 + chuan3qi4 to breathe deeply; to pant HSK6 呼唤 + hu1huan4 to call out (a name etc); to shout HSK6 出神 + chu1shen2 entranced; Trance (music genre) HSK6 气象 + qi4xiang4 meteorological feature; CL:个/个ge4; meteorology; atmosphere; ambience; scene HSK6 智能 + zhi4neng2 intelligent; able; smart (phone, system, bomb etc) HSK6 繁体字 + fan2ti3zi4 traditional Chinese character HSK6 勾结 + gou1jie2 to collude with; to collaborate with; to gang up with HSK6 片刻 + pian4ke4 short period of time; a moment HSK6 体系 + ti3xi4 system; setup; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 作息 + zuo4xi1 work and rest HSK6 伶俐 + ling2li4 clever; witty; intelligent HSK6 舒畅 + shu1chang4 happy; entirely free from worry HSK6 领土 + ling3tu3 territory HSK6 妥协 + tuo3xie2 to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise HSK6 公告 + gong1gao4 post; announcement HSK6 统计 + tong3ji4 statistics; to count; to add up HSK6 媒介 + mei2jie4 media; medium HSK6 衰退 + shuai1tui4 to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics) HSK6 高明 + gao1ming2 brilliant; superior; tall and bright HSK6 变质 + bian4zhi4 to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate; metamorphosis HSK6 庸俗 + yong1su2 filthy; vulgar; debased HSK6 腐烂 + fu3lan4 to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt HSK6 间隔 + jian4ge2 compartment; gap; interval; to divide HSK6 粗鲁 + cu1lu3 crude; coarse; rough HSK6 穿越 + chuan1yue4 to pass through; to cross; to overcome HSK6 流通 + liu2tong1 to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution HSK6 情报 + qing2bao4 (spy) intelligence; information-gathering
Old HSK word(s):



Thời tiết +


Thời gian +


Thời gian +


Điện thoại +


Trong một thời gian +


Thông minh +


Thói quen +


Thoải mái +


Thời điểm này +


Đùa thôi +


Giao thông mứt +


Thời gian +


Thời gian +


Đối thoại +


Sự thông cảm +


Tại thời điểm +


Kịp thời +


Thỉnh thoảng +


Thông tin +


Giao thông +


Vào thời gian +


Thông thạo +

Ngây thơ +

Giao thông +

Thông minh +

Thoái +

Dự báo thời tiết +

Khoảng thời gian +

Thời trang +

Thời đại +

Thời đại +

Thời gian +

Thời gian khác nhau +

Thổi +

Thở +

Hệ thống +

Điện thoại di động +

Truyền thống +

Hệ thống +

Hệ thống +

Hệ thống +

Hệ thống +

Hệ thống +

Thoải mái +

Thoát +

Thoát +

Thống nhất +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Tổng thống +

Bài thơ +

Huyền thoại +

Nông thôn +

Thông tin +

Bán thời gian +

Thô +

Tổng thống +

Tổng thống +

Thối +

Thông báo +

Thoải mái +

Thông tin liên lạc +

Đền thờ +

Thợ may +

Thorn +

Thorn +

Khoảng thời gian +

Suy thoái +

Trong thời gian này +

Theo truyền thống +

Thỏa thuận +

Thô bạo +

Theo thời gian +

Thông tin liên lạc +

Thời gian +

Thời gian +

Thở dài +

Thở hổn hển +

Gọi điện thoại +

Thôi miên +

Thời tiết +

Thông minh +

Truyền thống +

Thông đồng +

Thời điểm này +

Hệ thống +

Thói quen +

Thông minh +

Thoải mái +

Lãnh thổ +

Thỏa hiệp +

Thông báo +

Số liệu thống kê +

Phương tiện truyền thông +

Suy thoái +

Thông minh +

Suy thoái +

Thô tục +

Thối +

Khoảng thời gian +

Thô lỗ +

Thông qua +

Lưu thông +

Trí thông minh +
Grade E word(s):
