
test + examination; questions to measure knowledge
protest + To express opposition through action or words
contest + struggle or competition between rivals

25 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + tai4 highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely HSK3 最近 + zui4jin4 recent; recently; these days; latest; soon; nearest (of locations); shortest (of routes) HSK3 + shi4 to test; to try; experiment; examination; test HSK4 证明 + zheng4ming2 proof; certificate; identification; testimonial; CL:个/个ge4; to prove; to testify; to confirm the truth of HSK5 + qiang1 gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支zhi1,把ba3,杆/杆gan3,条/条tiao2,枝zhi1; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots HSK5 尽量 + jin3liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent HSK5 尽量 + jin4liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent HSK5 及格 + ji2ge2 to pass a test HSK5 丝毫 + si1hao2 the slightest amount or degree; a bit HSK5 试卷 + shi4juan4 examination paper; test paper; CL:份fen4,张/张zhang1 HSK5 证据 + zheng4ju4 evidence; proof; testimony HSK5 实验 + shi2yan4 experiment; test; CL:个/个ge4,次ci4; experimental; to experiment HSK5 测验 + ce4yan4 test; to test; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK6 示威 + shi4wei1 to demonstrate (as a protest); a demonstration; a military show of force HSK6 肆无忌惮 + si4wu2ji4dan4 absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple HSK6 考验 + kao3yan4 to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal HSK6 亚军 + ya4jun1 second place (in a sports contest); runner-up HSK6 检验 + jian3yan4 to inspect; to examine; to test HSK6 较量 + jiao4liang4 to have a contest with sb; to cross swords; to measure up against; to compete with; to haggle; to quibble HSK6 抗议 + kang4yi4 to protest; protest HSK6 选手 + xuan3shou3 athlete; contestant HSK6 争夺 + zheng1duo2 to fight over; to contest; to vie over HSK6 优胜劣汰 + you1sheng4lie4tai4 survival of the fittest (idiom) HSK6 化验 + hua4yan4 laboratory test; chemical experiment; assay HSK6 试验 + shi4yan4 experiment; test; experimental; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4
26 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * kao3shi4 examine/ test/ examination A VA * shi4 try/ test/ attempt B VA * sai4 contest/ compete B v;n * zheng4ming2 prove/ testify/ proof/ certificate B VA * kao3 test B v;n * ce4yan4 test/ examination B v;n * shi2yan4 test/ experiment B VA * jing4sai4 contest/ competition/ race B v;n * shi4yan4 test/ experiment C VA * dou4 fight/ contest with/ make animals fight/ denounce C VA * jian3yan4 check/ test/ examine/ inspect C N * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony C v;n * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection C VA * ce4 measure/ survey/ fathom/ test/ exam C VS * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful C v;n * ce4shi4 test/ examine/ trial/ testing C v;n * kao3yan4 test and prove/ test/ try/ trial C VS * si1hao2 very little/ of the slightest amount or degree C N * ya4jun1 second-army/ second place (in a contest)/ runner-up C VS * xin1shi4 new-style/ new type/ latest type/ of a new form or rite C N * chang2 intestine/ sausage C N * kou3shi4 oral test/ oral examination C VA * hua4yan4 chemically examine/ conduct a lab test/ assay C VA * yan4wu4 hate-dislike/ detest/ abominate/ abhor/ be disgusted at D VA * yan4 check/ test D VA * yan4zheng4 test and verify



Quá +


Gần đây +


Cố gắng +


Bằng chứng +

Súng +

Cố gắng +

Cố gắng +

Vượt qua +

Nhỏ +

Giấy tờ +

Bằng chứng +

Thử nghiệm +

Bài kiểm tra +

Các cuộc biểu tình +

Không kiềm chế +

Kiểm tra +

Nhì +

Kiểm tra +

Cuộc thi +

Phản đối +

Người chơi +

Tranh giành +

Sự sống còn của +

Phòng thí nghiệm +

Kiểm tra +
Grade E word(s):

我一点也不明白你在说些什么。 I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
她的小说我都喜欢, 最新的一部尤其好. I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good.
工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加. Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
人类的种种经验都证明了爱与怕之间的紧密联系。 All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear.
就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。 It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
他表示了振振有词的抗议。 He expressed voluble protests.
一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。 A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries.
经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test.
他就早期新教徒的异端邪说作了演讲。 He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants.
吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚, 麦克则受到责备。 Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.
伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。 London is among the greatest cities of the world.
这件衣服是最新设计。 This dress is of the latest design.
他对我指的是什么没有一点儿概念。 He didn't have a slightest notion of what I meant.
他们不得不为了那条消息作出声明。 They have to make a protestation of that news.
再伟大的学者也没有办法解答这个难题吧。 The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem.
抗议者被警察拖走了。 The protesters were dragged away by the police.
以下是最新的新闻综合报道. Here is a round-up of the latest news.
护士抽了我的血样去化验。 The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.
士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。 The soldiers contested every inch of ground.
这种新飞机正在接受安全性能检验。 The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.
他演讲完又补充说了一些最新数字。 He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures.
紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。 The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture.
新的汽车设计具备最新安全措施的一切特点。 The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.
她的最新小说尽管广为宣传, 结果还是彻底失败. Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop.
他从前写过一些成功的小说,但在最近的一部中他才真正充分发挥了自己的特长。 He wrote successful novels before, but he really come into his own with the latest one.
担保一种字据或保证,通常为书面的,以保证某种产品或服务的质量或耐用性 A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
他驾驶测验不及格,这次算第十次了。 That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test!
我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。 We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.
预先测试为衡量学生是否已有足够的准备去进行更高一级的学习而举行的初步考试 A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.
毫无疑问的他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。 He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan.
孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。 Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.
她关于那个司机已经喝醉的证词无可辩驳。 Nothing could refute her testimony that the driver was drunk.
他的崇高行动使他得到极大的荣誉和光荣。 His noble action reflected the greatest credit and glory upon him.
法国和英国争夺北美洲的战争以英国的胜利而告终。 The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England.
哪一条河流是它们之中最短的? Which river is the shortest among them?
哪些人在总统竞选中最有可能获胜? Who are the front runners in the Presidential contest?
初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试 An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.
你一点也没让我为难. You didn't embarrass me in the slightest.
我看最好还是给你做些化验。 I think we'd better give you a few test.
这座新工厂是那些最新设想的体现。 The new factory is the embodiment of the very latest ideas.
信息技术的发展是二十世纪工业技术上的最大进步。 The development of the information technology is the greatest technological advance of the 20th century.
他们表达了强烈的抗议。 They expressed a vehement protest.
这种洗衣机是最新型产品。 This washing machine is the latest model.
他们的厨房尽是最新式的器具. Their kitchen is full of the latest gadgets.
在所有四季当中,夏天最热。 Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.
这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。 The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.
这套装置必须经过试验之后才能投产。 The system will have to be tested before it goes into production.
她测验勉强及格. She only just scraped through the test.
她驾驶测验没合格. She hasn't passed her driving test yet.
他是当代最有才智的人. He is one of the greatest minds of the age.
他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇. He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.
一名新教徒向人群发表了演说。 A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.
她讨厌在宴会上为应酬而和人交谈。 She detests having to talk to people at parties.
示威抗议者驻扎在职业大楼之外进行示威的人或一群人 A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
数日之内我们将有三笔大额进款,所以我们最迟于下星期一以前定给贵方汇款。 As we expect to receive three large sum within the next few day, we will send you some money by monday at the latest.
一切抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压. All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。 The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side.
【谚】患难识知交。 Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.
我厌恶一切矫揉造作的行为. I detest all affectation.
<大学英语词汇综合测试题>。 "Practice Tests For College English Vocabulary"
有多少人在争夺理事会的这一席位? How many people are contesting this seat on the council?
这种新型号赛车於道路测试中时速达100英里. The new sports model achieved 100 miles an hour in road tests.
那艘油轮遇难後,对同类型的油轮都进行了检验。 After the disaster, tests were carried out on the tanker's sister vessels.
矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试 A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling.
自从她选美获胜後,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。 She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
明天我们将进行历史测验。 Tomorrow we'll have a history test.
她极力反对别人说她势利眼. She protested strongly at being called a snob.
我将打电话告诉你测验的结果。 I'll phone the result of the test to you.
士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。 The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.
你的车子使用高级汽油可以增大马力。 High-test gasoline will soup up your car.
他的跳远成绩盖过了所有的选手。 He excelled all the other contestants in the long jump.
因此他们经受不住任何严重的考验。 That is why they cannot stand up to any serious test.
最近的事态发展使我们受到很大的鼓舞. We are much heartened by the latest developments.
她的讲话在众议院激起一片抗议声. Her speech threw the House (ie of Commons) into a tumult (of protest).
我书面考试已经及格了, 下一个难关是面试. I've passed the written test; the interview is the next hurdle.
你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
我们的首席代表的退场被看作是一种抗议的表示。 Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.
我们为之奋斗的最可贵的事物--世界和平--已指日可待. The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.
那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。 The latest popular actor is featured in this new film.
听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。 Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience.
律师对那个要求提出异议,并力图证明它是一种无理的要求。 The lawyer contested the claim, and tried to prove that it was false.
预赛,选拔赛确定比赛资格的预备竞赛或测试,如在体育运动中 A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.
软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签名存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签名是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。 In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
傲慢是他品格上的最大缺陷. Pride was the greatest flaw in his personality.
她 的新书论述残疾人的问题. Her latest book discusses the problems of the disabled.
他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。 He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.
这位部长为反对那项决策而辞职. The minister resigned in protest against the decision.
他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。 His protests on human rights sound hollow.
他擦去试卷上的铅笔笔迹然后递给了老师。 He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher.
她最新的一套唱片是她的最佳单曲唱片的汇集. Her latest album is a compilation of all her best singles.
有些新车在投放市场前没有进行行驶性检验。 Some new cars are not given road tests before they are put on the market.
在这个试验车道,标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试。 On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.
流行敏感的,赶新潮的对最新的潮流或发展很敏感的,感兴趣的或了解的 Keenly aware of, knowledgeable about, or interested in the latest trends or developments.
办事处的气氛已紧张一段时日,而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点。 The atmosphere in the office has been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brings matter to a head.
神判法让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定 A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮多么入时。 Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!
圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。 Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters.
最新的进展情况已向大众传播媒介发表。 The latest developments have just been released to the media.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
她杰出的才干已经由她获得迅速提升而得到证明. Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.
标枪一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2。5米 A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters in length, used in contests of distance throwing.
肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒 A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.
也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。 Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
她最近出版的书论述14行诗。 Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.
她争执一番後, 无可奈何地缴纳了罚金. She paid the fine under protest.
裁军谈判的最新情况怎麽样? What is the latest state of play in the disarmament talks?
这条消息是关於最近的首脑级会议的. The news is all about the latest summit meeting.
内脏内部脏器,尤指大小肠;内脏 The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera.
抗议者藐视官方的示威禁令. The protesters showed their defiance of the official ban on demonstrations.
考验严峻的考验,如对耐心或信念的考验;磨练 A severe test, as of patience or belief; a trial.
肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚 Indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.
作为一名医生,詹姆斯必须了解医学的最新发展动态。 As a doctor James has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine.
那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程中一直不相上下。 The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way.
经理化检验证实:使用该器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒无副作用。 Physical and chemical tests verify that this Recovery Device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.
桂冠用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者 A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.
人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。每一代都要面对一些问题--可能是相同的问题--只不过问题的形式不同。 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems- or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms.
学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。 The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system."In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.