
34 New HSK word(s): HSK1 名字 + ming2zi5 name (of a person or thing); CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 其实 + qi2shi2 actually; in fact; really HSK3 上网 + shang4wang3 to be on the Internet; to stretch a net (in a sports game or for covering sth); to be netted (of fish) HSK3 练习 + lian4xi2 exercise; drill; practice; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 互联网 + Hu4lian2wang3 the Internet HSK4 硕士 + shuo4shi4 master's degree; learned person HSK4 国际 + guo2ji4 international HSK4 师傅 + shi1fu5 master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK4 经济 + jing1ji4 economy; economic HSK4 实际 + shi2ji4 actual; reality; practice HSK5 事实 + shi4shi2 fact; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 掌握 + zhang3wo4 to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency HSK5 企业 + qi3ye4 company; firm; enterprise; corporation; CL:家jia1 HSK5 实践 + shi2jian4 to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill HSK5 实用 + shi2yong4 practical; functional; pragmatic; applied (science) HSK6 培育 + pei2yu4 to train; to breed HSK6 提炼 + ti2lian4 to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process HSK6 操练 + cao1lian4 drill; practice HSK6 雪上加霜 + xue3shang4jia1shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation HSK6 导弹 + dao3dan4 guided missile; cruise missile; missile; CL:枚mei2 HSK6 蛋白质 + dan4bai2zhi4 protein HSK6 踏实 + ta1shi5 firmly based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr.ta4 shi2 HSK6 + zei2 thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely HSK6 货币 + huo4bi4 currency; monetary; money HSK6 命名 + ming4ming2 to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to designate; named after; naming HSK6 细胞 + xi4bao1 cell (biology) HSK6 麻木 + ma2mu4 numb; insensitive; apathetic HSK6 麻痹 + ma2bi4 paralysis; palsy; numbness; to benumb HSK6 瘫痪 + tan1huan4 paralysis; be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc) HSK6 小区 + she4qu1 community HSK6 精致 + jing1zhi4 delicate; fine; exquisite; refined HSK6 火箭 + huo3jian4 rocket; CL:枚mei2 HSK6 实事求是 + shi2shi4qiu2shi4 to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be practical and realistic HSK6 惯例 + guan4li4 convention; usual practice
Old HSK word(s):



Tên +


Trong thực tế, +


Internet +


Thực tế +


Internet +


Master +


Quốc tế +


Master +


Kinh tế +


Thực tế +

Thực tế mà +

Master +

Enterprise +

Thực tế +

Thực tế +

Foster +

Tinh tế +

Thực tế +

Tồi tệ hơn +

Tên lửa +

Protein +

Thực tế +

Tên trộm +

Tệ +

Tên là +

Tế bào +

Tê +

Tê liệt +

Tê liệt +

Tế bào +

Tinh tế +

Tên lửa +

Thực tế +

Thực tế +
Grade E word(s):
