
61 New HSK word(s): HSK1 计算机 + dian4nao3 computer; CL:台/台tai2 HSK1 + ai4 to love; affection; to be fond of; to like HSK3 笔记本 + bi3ji4ben3 notebook (stationery); CL:本ben3; notebook (computing) HSK3 安静 + an1jing4 quiet; peaceful; calm HSK4 故意 + gu4yi4 deliberately; on purpose HSK4 友谊 + you3yi4 companionship; fellowship; friendship HSK4 + sheng3 to save; to economize; to do without; to omit; to leave out; province; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 特点 + te4dian3 characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 脾气 + pi2qi5 character; temperament; disposition; bad temper; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 估计 + gu1ji4 to estimate; to reckon; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 爱情 + ai4qing2 romance; love (romantic); CL:个/个ge4,份fen4 HSK4 性别 + xing4bie2 gender; sex; distinguishing between the sexes HSK5 形势 + xing2shi4 circumstances; situation; terrain; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 志愿者 + zhi4yuan4zhe3 volunteer HSK5 地位 + di4wei4 position; status; place; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 热爱 + re4ai4 to love ardently; to adore HSK5 热心 + re4xin1 enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted HSK5 平静 + ping2jing4 tranquil; undisturbed; serene HSK5 特色 + te4se4 characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality HSK5 特征 + te4zheng1 characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait HSK5 身份 + shen1fen4 identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank HSK5 爱护 + ai4hu4 to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect HSK5 爱心 + ai4xin1 compassion; CL:片pian4 HSK5 个性 + ge4xing4 individuality; personality HSK5 恋爱 + lian4ai4 (romantic) love; CL:个/个ge4,场/场chang3; in love; to have an affair HSK5 疼爱 + teng2ai4 to love dearly HSK5 计算 + ji4suan4 to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 状况 + zhuang4kuang4 condition; state; situation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 精神 + jing1shen2 spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 精神 + jing1shen5 vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual HSK6 理智 + li3zhi4 reason; intellect; rationality; rational HSK6 示威 + shi4wei1 to demonstrate (as a protest); a demonstration; a military show of force HSK6 夫妇 + fu1fu4 a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:对/对dui4 HSK6 动荡 + dong4dang4 unrest (social or political); turmoil; upheaval; commotion HSK6 苏醒 + su1xing3 to come to; to awaken; to regain consciousness HSK6 苏醒 + su1xing3 to wake up; to regain consciousness HSK6 振奋 + zhen4fen4 to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire HSK6 提炼 + ti2lian4 to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process HSK6 + shao1 to bring sth to sb; to deliver HSK6 局势 + ju2shi4 situation; state (of affairs) HSK6 局面 + ju2mian4 aspect; phase; situation HSK6 卫星 + wei4xing1 satellite; moon; CL:颗/颗ke1 HSK6 踊跃 + yong3yue4 to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastically HSK6 镇定 + zhen4ding4 calm; unperturbed; cool HSK6 气概 + qi4gai4 lofty quality; mettle; spirit HSK6 气质 + qi4zhi4 temperament; personality traits; manners HSK6 处境 + chu3jing4 plight; unfavorable situation HSK6 创业 + chuang4ye4 to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship HSK6 爱戴 + ai4dai4 to love and respect; love and respect HSK6 人格 + ren2ge2 personality; integrity; dignity HSK6 结晶 + jie2jing1 crystallization; crystalline; crystal HSK6 纯粹 + chun2cui4 pure; unadulterated; purely; completely HSK6 纯洁 + chun2jie2 pure; clean and honest; to purify HSK6 娇气 + jiao1qi4 delicate; squeamish; finicky HSK6 精致 + jing1zhi4 delicate; fine; exquisite; refined HSK6 安宁 + An1ning2 Anning District of Lanzhou City 兰州市/兰州市Lan2 zhou1 Shi4, Gansu HSK6 安宁 + an1ning2 peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry HSK6 清醒 + qing1xing3 clear-headed; sober; awake HSK6 深情厚谊 + shen1qing2hou4yi4 deep friendship HSK6 慢性 + man4xing4 slow and patient; chronic (disease); slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison) HSK6 觉醒 + jue2xing3 to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales fall from the eyes; to become aware
Old HSK word(s):



Máy tính +


Tình yêu +


Máy tính xách tay +


Yên tĩnh +


Cố tình +


Tình bạn +


Tỉnh +


Tính năng +


Bình tĩnh +


Ước tính +


Tình yêu +


Tình dục +

Tình hình +

Tình nguyện viên +

Tình trạng +

Tình yêu +

Nhiệt tình +

Bình tĩnh +

Tính năng +

Tính năng +

Danh tính +

Tình yêu +

Tình yêu +

Cá tính +

Tình yêu +

Tình yêu +

Máy tính +

Tình trạng +

Tinh thần +

Tinh thần +

Sự tỉnh táo +

Các cuộc biểu tình +

Đôi tình nhân +

Tình trạng hỗn loạn +

Tỉnh táo +

Tỉnh táo +

Nâng cao tinh thần +

Tinh tế +

Tình cờ +

Tình hình +

Tình hình +

Vệ tinh +

Nhiệt tình +

Bình tĩnh +

Nam tính +

Tính khí +

Tình hình +

Tinh thần kinh doanh +

Tình yêu +

Cá tính +

Tinh thể +

Tinh khiết +

Tinh khiết +

Khó tính +

Tinh tế +

Tĩnh lặng +

Tĩnh lặng +

Tỉnh táo +

Tình bạn +

Mãn tính +

Thức tỉnh +
Grade E word(s):
