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只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。 You may eat anything, so long as you don't eat too much.
要是不给你添太多麻烦的话,我倒是愿意留下来。 I'd like to stay if it's not too much of an imposition on you.
会议可能要延长到夜里,因为今晚有太多问题要解决。 The meeting may be prolonged into the evening because so many problems have to be solved tonight.
同样的问题人们向他问得太多了,所以他的答案也是千篇一律。 He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.
发展的主要障碍是这个国家人口太多。 The main impediment to development is the country's large population.
最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。 There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently.
加入的液体太多,混合液的浓度就不够。 If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough.
昨晚我酒喝得太多真是自讨苦吃, 现在头疼得很厉害! I'm paying the penalty for drinking too much last night; I've got a dreadful headache!
肥皂粉别用得太多, 这儿的水很软. Don't use much soap powder the water here is very soft.
这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。 This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.
今晚大家似乎喝酒喝得太多了,当然在座的各位除外。 People seem to have drunk far too much tonight, present company excepted of course.
吃糖太多就要损坏牙齿. Too much sugar will rot your teeth away.
我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
与会者太多, 会场扩大到街上了. The meeting overflowed into the streets.
你吃的含淀粉的食物太多了。 You eat too much starch.
我不喜欢泡沫太多的啤酒. I don't like beer with too much froth.
果冻搀水太多就凝固不好了. You won't get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly.
蒜别放太多--不是人人都喜欢的. Don't overdo the garlic in the food not everyone likes it.
他往汤里放盐太多,把汤给糟蹋了。 He had spoiled the soup by putting in too much salt.
我试图将账目核实一下,但变更或销掉账目实在太多,真是令人头痛。 I tried to check the accounts but there are so many entries altered or crossed out that it makes one's mind boggle.