
summer + part of the year when the weather is hot

3 New HSK word(s): HSK3 + xia4 summer HSK4 放暑假 + fang4shu3jia4 to be on summer vacation HSK5 夏令营 + xia4ling4ying2 summer camp
4 Old HSK word(s): A N * xia4 summer A N * xia4tian1 summer B N * shu3jia4 summer vacation C N * xia4ji4 summer season/ summer/ season of summer



Mùa hè +


Mùa hè +

Trại hè +
Grade E word(s):

春雨带来了夏日百花。 Spring rains bring summer flowers.
夏天他总是高高兴兴的。 He's always full of cheer in summer.
本市每年举行一次夏季音乐节。 This city has a music festival every summer.
不用说,夏日的傍晚是多么美。 Needs not say how lovely are the summer evenings.
夏天时,山坡上长满了花草。 The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.
在夏天我喜欢吃一些叶状蔬菜。 I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.
自从他去年夏天离去, 我们就失去了联系。 We have lost contact with him since he left last summer.
我在夏天一个闷热的下午遇见了她。 I met her in a sultry summer afternoon.
约翰甚至在夏天也不出门。 John doesn't go out even in the summer.
我喜欢夏天吃莴苣,我的兔子也喜欢。 I like to eat lettuce in summer, and so does my rabbit.
他不远万里来中国度暑假。 He has come over to China for the summer.
在夏天一个温暖的夜晚... One warm summer evening.../On a warm summer evening...
一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。 When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited.
我算是放了暑假了, 但却未能真正休息. I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I couldn't really relax.
夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。 In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.
夏季季风夏季从西南或南方吹来的并能给亚洲南部带来大量降雨的风 A wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer.
我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。 I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.
夏天那条小河的水量减少,成了涓涓溪流。 The stream is reduced to a mere trickle in summer.
前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。 It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
今年夏季农作物成熟得早. The summer crops were forward this year.
在所有四季当中,夏天最热。 Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.
夏季昼长。 In summer the days are long.
夏季的水塘中,芙蓉盛开。 Lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond in summer.
我们将於夏季停播而於秋季开始播放一套新节目. We'll be off the air for the summer and returning for a new series in the autumn.
直到现在还没有像样的夏天. We've not had any summer to speak of.
大体上说,这里的气候还是很宜人的,夏天不太热,冬天也不太冷。 On the whole, the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.
在春天,我们通常将钟表向前拔一小时,以利用夏天的日光。 In spring, we usually set the clock ahead one hour, to take advantage of the summer daylight.
故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。 The story took place in a serene summer night.
我们互相帮助做夏季的额外工作. We help one another with the extra work in the summer.
夏季游人成群结队到博物馆和艺术馆参观。 In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.
我估计这将是一个炎热的夏天。 I reckon this will be a hot summer.
夏季伦敦有很多游客。 London is full of tourists in the summer.