
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + ting3 to stick out; to (physically) straighten up; to endure or hold out; straight; stiff; outstanding; extraordinary; rather; quite; very; classifier for machine guns HSK5 + ying4 hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) HSK6 + xian4 stiffing; forcemeat; filling HSK6 僵硬 + jiang1ying4 stiff; rigid
1 Old HSK word(s): C VS * jiang1 stiff/ rigid/ inflexible/ numb/ deadlocked


Khá +

Khó +

Nhồi +

Cứng +
Grade E word(s):

他看到那恐怖的情景吓呆了. He stiffened (with terror) at the horrific sight.
过分笔直,僵立的姿态 An extremely stiff, erect posture.
把面粉和牛奶搅成很稠的糊. Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste.
梗草各种草的硬花梗 The stiff stalk of various grasses.